Daily Archives: August 10, 2011

Picture Perfect

From U.S. News & World Report:

Both the New Yorker and Newsweek featured profiles on Rep. Michele Bachmann recently.  As Robert Schlesinger points out on the Thomas Jefferson Street blog, the New Yorker profile connects Bachmann with some controversial views on American slavery (an issue that has caused problems for the Bachmann campaign before). The Newsweek profile isn’t exactly kind to the presidential candidate either. However, it is the cover of the magazine that is catching the most attention.

On it, the camera has captured Bachmann looking wide-eyed and surprised above the headline “Queen of Rage.”

I guess, Mr. DeMille, that Botox Batshit Bachmann wasn’t ready for her closeup.

michelebachmannnormadesmondsunsetboulevardOriginal image
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