Tag Archives: RuPaul

The Gang’s All There!

From The New York Times:

WASHINGTON — For 30 minutes on Thursday, Mitt Romney, a likely Republican candidate for president in 2012, offered a systematic indictment of what he described as the failed presidency of Barack Obama. A little earlier, a crowd of conservatives whooped in delight as a speaker made coy allusions to Mr. Obama’s youthful experimentation with cocaine.

Republican leaders took the stage at a conservative conference here to pay tribute to the Tea Party movement and soberly pledge to defeat Republicans who did not adhere to conservative views. Speaker after speaker drew hoots as they mocked Mr. Obama for his use of a teleprompter, seemingly oblivious to the teleprompter that rose from the floor before them.

The setting was the Conservative Political Action Conference, and it produced a sometimes incongruous meshing of mainstream Republicans — presidential candidates, leaders of Congress, political thinkers — with the often rowdy crowd of activists who have typically lent a slight air of the carnival to this long-time Washington political gathering.

Original DVD cover

(From top, clockwise:  Naked Scotty Brown, Michael Not-Steele Williams, Tim Timmeh Pawlenty, Snarling Liz Cheney, Willard Mittsie Romney, Dick Dick Armey)

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