Son of a Beach

From Newsday:

CHARLESTON, S.C. – Rudy Giuliani on Friday offered his strongest defense yet of Bernard Kerik, his former close associate and top New York City cop now targeted in a federal criminal probe, calling him an “excellent police commissioner” and praising him for being courageous on Sept. 11, 2001.

Kerik is facing possible bribery and obstruction of justice charges as soon as next month. Giuliani rejected the idea those charges would harm his campaign and said on balance Kerik had done a good job.

Original DVD cover.

Giuliani also tried to extend the aura and celebrity that he won for his performance on the day of the deadly terrorist attacks on New York City to Kerik, his handpicked protege.

“He was there on Sept. 11,” Giuliani said. “He was heroic on Sept. 11.”


For Giuliani, Kerik completes a “trifecta” of political problems that pose serious obstacles to his hopes of winning the nomination, said political analyst Stu Rothenberg — raising yet another question about Giuliani’s judgment among Republicans already fretting over his moderate social positions and messy personal life.

And even if Giuliani won the nomination, any Kerik trial could stretch well into next year. Giuliani “wants to talk about Hillary Clinton and the war on terror, and if every day for a week, he’s getting questions about Bernie Kerik … that’s obviously not what Rudy wants to be talking about,” Rothenberg said.

Giuliani has admitted he made a mistake in recommending Kerik to President George W. Bush for homeland security chief in 2004. Kerik withdrew amid allegations of misconduct, a major embarrassment to Bush.


Filed under 2008 election, 9/11, Bernie Kerik, Chimpy, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, humor, movies, New York City, parody, politics, Republicans, Rudy Giuliani, snark

7 responses to “Son of a Beach

  1. Got a Grip

    I have to say nonnie, this is one of my favorite posters you’ve done. I tell you, it will be a sad day for those of us who like to make parodies when Bush leaves office. No one makes the full range of goofy facial expressions and malapropisms that Georgie does. He’s a parodists dream.

    Of course, the fact that he’s ravaged the Constitution and ruined our country, our relations with the rest of the world, and been responsible for countless millions of deaths will temper my sorrow at his departure. But then, if things keep going the way there are right now, there’s always Hillary….. πŸ˜‰

  2. nonnie9999

    i know. i feel guilty in feeling that i will miss chimpy, just as i miss abu and karl now. however, i cheer myself up with the fact that we will still have the idiots in congress to kick around. πŸ˜€
    p.s. you will have to give me lessons in how to play around with lettering in photoshop. i couldn’t figure out how to make a gradient for the y and the question mark. those took me longer that the rest of the poster put together.

  3. Got a Grip

    We can certainly do a lesson on gradients any time you want, nons. It’s really quite easy once you get the hang of it. We won’t do it here, of course, that would be silly, as you seem to have managed quite well. Give me a yell tomorrow when you have a minute and we’ll discuss.

    Yes, we’ll always have Congress (sounds kind of like a love story, doesn’t it?), but you really can’t beat having someone like Captain Codpiece when it comes to this kind of work. I’m no fan of Hillary, she’s not at the top of my list of candidates (Run, Al, Run!!), but if she does become president, she’ll provide hours of manipulating fun. I’ve got some dandy pics saved back just in case, already…..

  4. nonnie9999

    we’ll always have congress why am i picturing humphrey bogart and ingrid bergman?
    just let me know when you have a few minutes open in your busy schedule tomorrow.
    tony snow is on the daily show right now. he is comparing his old job as press secretary to what jon stewart does. now, why did we worry that there will be a lack of material for parodies?

  5. NBachers

    Yes, and the Heroes of 9/11 decided not to use the emergency command post in Building 7. Whatever was destroyed when they pulled that building? It is known that Building 7 housed the SEC files related to numerous Wall Street investigations, as well as other federal investigative files. All the files for approximately 3,000 to 4,000 SEC cases were destroyed.
    But it sure was a convenient Shag Shack for Rudy & Judy.

  6. nonnie9999

    hi nbachers! πŸ˜€
    there are many, many mysteries of that day that we will never know the answers to. i have no idea why the crime scenes were cleaned up so quickly. there was so much evidence that nobody will ever be able to analyze because it was carted away to dumps.

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