A Trump not doing the suing: the shoe’s on the other foot!


NEW YORK — A judge has ordered Ivanka Trump to testify in a dispute with an Italian shoemaker over one of her company’s shoe designs.

U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest rejected a request by the senior White House aide’s lawyers that she be blocked from submitting to a deposition in the trademark infringement lawsuit brought by Aquazzura Italia SRL against her and her company IT Collection LLC.


Original movie poster


In ruling, the judge said, “Ms. Trump’s public statements regarding active and comprehensive brand management lead to a reasonable inference that the shoe at issue would not have been released without her approval.”

“In such a situation,” she said, “a deposition is appropriate.”

In a declaration filed with the court last week, Trump described herself as the former president of the company, saying she is now an assistant to the president of the United States and maintains an office in the White House.

“I had no involvement in the conception, design, production or sale of the ‘Hettie Shoe,'” she said, adding that those responsibilities belonged to the company’s licensee, Marc Fisher, which was also sued.

“My involvement was strictly limited to the final sign-off of each season’s line after it was first reviewed and approved by the company’s design team,” Trump said.

In requesting Trump’s testimony, Aquazzura’s lawyers cited public statements by Trump, including one in which she was quoted saying: “There’s not a shoe I’m not intimately involved in designing.”

So, she took full credit for that ugly-ass shoe’s design until she was getting sued, and then she had nothing to do with it? Like father, like daughter-wife.



Filed under humor, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

11 responses to “A Trump not doing the suing: the shoe’s on the other foot!

  1. Ilya Gorodisher


    I immediately thought of this French comedy classic.

    Pardon my rushed shop.


    • Well, that was fun! 😆

      At first, I thought you meant that the movie I used was French, because I had never heard of it until I googled this afternoon (though I know of the other movie of the same title that starred Moira Shearer). So, I had to google the movie I used, and I found out it is from the Philippines. That’s when I saw the line at the end of your comment, and I figured you tried to post an image. Sooooo, I looked at the email I get when someone posts a comment here, and I saw the picture. Then it was a matter of how to get it over here. I had to save it on my computer, put it in my Photobucket and then post it here. WordPress does not make it easy.

      As for my poster, I needed a break from all the dire news that is out there, so I went with something lighter–the daughter-wife getting sued while her hubby is starting a shitstorm in the Middle East.

  2. wildthumb

    Gee, that’s a shame. I think Jerry Seinfeld once said that.

    • Hi Wildthumb!

      Welcome to The Raisin! 😀 This is your first time commenting here, isn’t it? You are the Wildthumb from the Big Orange, oui?

      It really is a damned shame, isn’t it? I hope this doesn’t interfere with all of her White House duties, namely spying on all the other people who work there so they don’t dare say a word against her daddy-husband or her husband-husband.

      Hope you will stop by again soon! 🙂

  3. As we all know a Trump is never guilty of anything They all can out lie a barrel of snakes. Yep, Kushner has already irritated the Palestinians. What else would one expect from an amateur who knows Jack shit about world affairs, government and diplomacy. He is but a figure head, best keep his high headed ass back in the White House.

  4. Well, at least she changed it a little — kind of like how Donald removed the “Integritas” from that coat-of-arms thing he ripped off. But it looks like a typical case of Trump business ethics. (For legal purposes, insert “allegedly” in preceding paragraph as appropriate.)

    But Aquazzura charges $785 for theirs? Holy $#!T. Who buys stuff like that? I never understood how anybody can walk on heels that high anyway — looks uncomfortable as hell.

    • I think the shoes look like dismembered cheerleaders on women’s feet. But that’s just my taste. I don’t think I have ever spent more than $50 for a pair of shoes in my life, and that was just for a special occasion, and I had no choice. I’m a Payless kind of girl when it comes to shoes. I get nosebleeds if I wear a heel higher that 2″. Heels half as high as those ugly-ass shoes are terrible for your feet as well as the rest of your body. A human skeleton is not made to balance like that for hours on end.

  5. Brooklyn Tony

    Why do we keep electing the same bums into office, and then complain

    • Well, “we” didn’t elect them — Hillary got 3,000,000 more votes and then lost due to the Electoral College. And the Trumps are hardly “the same bums”. They’re über-bums, paragons of bumhood, Platonic ideal bums who transcend all of time and space in their eternal and absolute bummitude. We’ve never seen their like in the White House before and hopefully never will again.

  6. Hello Brooklyn Tony,

    Welcome to The Raisin! 😀

    Infidel answered your question better than I could. I would just add that the problem is very much due to gerrymandering, and the laws for redistricting have to be changed drastically. Of course, that means changing the state legislatures, but that’s hard to do because of gerrymandering. It’s a vicious cycle.

    Hope you will stop by and comment again, Tony. I’m a New Yawker, and I read your comment with a Brooklyn accent. It was almost like being at home. 🙂