Category Archives: Iraq War

Battle Him for the Republic


The late U.S. Poet Laureate Dr. Maya Angelou once said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them!”

In other words, no one can hide his true nature. Never has this been more accurate for an American president than in the case of Donald Trump. Events in the aftermath of the violence in Charlottesville have made this abundantly clear. For the first time in our history, a Nazi sympathizer occupies the Oval Office.


As a former U.S. ambassador and senior State Department official, I know that there is a particular obligation by political appointees not only to represent the interests of the American people but also to ensure that the policies and perspectives of the elected government of the day are implemented.

hitler's henchemen

Original movie poster

(Click on image for larger version)

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Filed under Attorney General, humor, Iraq War, Justice Department, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, Senate, snark

Poster Boy

From Newsweek:

Now that he’s president, Trump frequently departs the White House and spends the weekend golfing at either his South Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago, or his country club in the New Jersey suburb of Bedminster. The promise he’d made a year before was discarded so quickly, you have to wonder if he even remembers making it. Politico did the legwork: George W. Bush didn’t golf for the first five months of his presidency, while Obama stayed away from his beloved links for four months following his inauguration. Trump held out for all of two weeks. He has visited a golf club 40 times since taking office in January, according to the self-explanatory site Trump Golf Count, which estimates the forays have cost American taxpayers $55 million. Another Trump tracker, this one by The New York Times, finds that his visits to Trump-branded properties total 56 days, nearly a third of his time in office.

Inspiring, huh?


(Motivated by motivational posters)

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Filed under Afghanistan, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, humor, Iraq War, Magazines, Media, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

“All The Views Are Fit to Print”


The New York Times hired Wall Street Journal deputy editor Bret Stephens as its newest opinion columnist, claiming he “will bring a new perspective to bear on the news.” Stephens has a long history of promoting misinformation, including on climate science, foreign policy, and sexual assault.

new york times

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Filed under Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Global warming, humor, Iraq War, Media, New York Times, parody, politics, satire, snark, United Nations, Wall Street Journal, Wordpress Political Blogs

Boy Lout

Oh look! Jared’s already got his Russian merit badge!i20will20do20my20best

Please forgive me, Norman Rockwell! (I Will Do My Best)

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Filed under China, humor, Iraq War, Painting, parody, politics, Republicans, Russia, satire, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

An Uncivil Union


Donald Trump and his running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, don’t have much in common—politically, philosophically or personally. And their awkward marriage was on full display in the first interview the two gave together on Sunday on “60 Minutes.”

“It’s probably obvious to people we have different styles,” Pence, who served six terms in Congress, told Lesley Stahl.

Kids, Fortune is being waaaaayyyyy too polite. It was a disaster! Every time Plain Dry Melba Toast Pence opened his mouth, Hairy Cheez Doodle cut him off and answered for him. Lesley Stahl just giggled as the journalism deities wept. Anyway, I was lucky enough to nab a picture of the new couple warming up before they started taping.


Original image

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Filed under humor, Iraq War, Muslims, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

The Sorest Loser


BLITZER: The celebration continuing on the streets of Libya, throughout the country. We’re following the breaking news this hour, the death of the Libyan dictator, Moammar Gadhafi. I talked about it earlier with Republican senator John McCain, the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and I asked whether the Obama administration deserves any credit.


SEN. JOHN MCCAIN (R), ARIZONA: I congratulate the British and French for their leadership and their effort. And so it’s been a significant success and we should celebrate today.

BLITZER: But the U.S. played a significant role in the NATO operation, not just the British and the French, Senator McCain, the first few weeks, first two weeks in particular, U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles and U.S. air refueling capabilities. The Obama administration, from your perspective, deserves a lot of credit for this, as well, don’t they?

MCCAIN: Oh, I think they deserve credit. The fact is, if we had declared a no-fly zone early on, we would have never had — Gadhafi would have fallen at the beginning.

The second thing is that if we had used our capabilities, the A10 and the AC130, this would have been over a long time ago. But I think the administration deserves credit, but I especially appreciate the leadership of the British and French in this — in carrying out this success.

Anyone else sick of this bitter shithead who can’t deal with the fact that he’ll never live up to the legacies of his daddy and grandfather and that he had to marry a millionaire’s daughter in order to have a career?  He wants to diss President Obama, but he’s also dissing the American troops.  By the way, Captain Underpants didn’t mention his trip to Libya to visit Muammar Gadaffy Shoulda Ducked in August 2009.  Here’s a picture of the historic meeting.  Lindseypoo Graham was also along for the trip.

lindsey graham john mccain muammar

Original image

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Filed under Barack Obama, Chimpy, George W. Bush, humor, Iraq War, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, NATO, parody, politics, Republicans, Senate Armed Services Committee, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Boo-zing it up at the Rethuglican Debates

From POST POLITICS at The Washington Post:

Forget the sound bites from the stage. Some of the most memorable moments from a series of Republican presidential debates have come not from the candidates competing for the nomination but from the intensely partisan audiences there to appraise them.

In four of the most recent debates, assertive audience members have managed to make their mark on the proceedings.

theravenOriginal DVD cover

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Filed under Gay rights, Homophobia, Homosexuality, humor, Iraq War, Mitt Romney, movies, Newt Gingrich, parody, politics, Republicans, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Sharia?

From THINK PROGRESS (2-1-11):

Amidst the political upheaval in Egypt, conservatives are scare-mongering about the possible Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt. But leading neoconservative Frank Gaffney is taking Muslim Brotherhood fearmongering to new heights. This past weekend, Gaffney was a featured speaker at the Educational Policy Conference in St. Louis, an annual gathering of social conservatives. Gaffney used the opportunity to discuss how the Muslim Brotherhood is not only poised to implement a new theocracy in Egypt, but is also operating in the United States under “front groups” like the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a civil liberties group dedicated to “protecting the rights of all Americans, regardless of faith.”

Original DVD cover
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Filed under Al-Jazeera, Barack Obama, Fox News, Homeland Security, humor, Iraq War, Islam, Justice Department, Media, parody, politics, Republicans, Sean Hannity, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs