Monthly Archives: August 2010

Murfreesboro Becomes Mursboro


For months, conservatives have led a hateful campaign against the expansion of a local Islamic center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. This campaign has been endorsed by high-ranking Republicans such as the state’s Lt. Governor, Ron Ramsey, who last month, speaking to a group of Republicans in opposition to the mosque, wondered aloud whether Islam was a religion or a “cult” and fearmongered about the mosque trying to bring “Sharia law” to America. Earlier this year, Lou Ann Zelenik, a GOP congressional candidate in Tennessee, campaigned against the Murfreesboro mosque, arguing that it posed a threat to that state’s “moral and political foundation.”

Now, the local press reports that the police are investigating a case of arson that occurred at the construction site of the mosque Friday night:

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Filed under humor, Islam, movies, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs



An estimated 87,000 people attended a rally organized by talk-radio host and Fox News commentator Glenn Beck Saturday in Washington, according to a crowd estimate commissioned by CBS News.

The company based the attendance on aerial pictures it took over the rally, which stretched from in front of the Lincoln Memorial along the Reflecting Pool to the Washington Monument. Beck and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin spoke at the rally.

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Filed under CBS, Fox News, Freedom From Religion Foundation, Glenn Beck, humor, movies, parody, politics, radio, Republicans, Sarah Palin, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Kenny Dodgers

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve undoubtedly heard that Chimpy’s 2004 campaign manager and former Republican National Committee chairman, Ken Mehlman, finally admitted what everyone already knew–he’s gay. The media was all abuzz. Here are some of what the luminaries at Fox News had to say:

Gretchen Carlson, Steve Doocy, and Brian I’m-the-one-who’s-not-Doocy Kilmeade:


Sean Hannity:


Bill O’Reilly:


Glenn Beck:


From The Wonk Room at THINK PROGRESS:

When Judge Vaughn Walker struck down Proposition 8, Fox News barely mentioned the story and its most prominent conservative commentators ignored it entirely.  Yesterday, after the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder reported that former RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman — who had orchestrated President Bush’s gay-bating 2004 re-election campaign — was coming out as gay, Fox News Channel remained similarly mum and as of this posting has yet to run a single segment on the story.

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Filed under Chimpy, Dick Cheney, Fox News, Gay rights, George W. Bush, Gretchen Carlson, Homophobia, Homosexuality, humor, Islam, Karl Rove, Media, movies, parody, politics, Racism, radio, Republicans, Sean Hannity, snark, Steve Doocy, Wordpress Political Blogs

The Grapes are Sour in Floriduhhh, Must Be the Heat

From The Miami Herald:

Two days after he lost the Republican nomination for governor, McCollum still refuses to support winner Rick Scott, and continues to raise questions about his former rival’s character.

In his first public appearance since conceding the race, McCollum said Thursday that he called Scott to “congratulate him and wish him well.” But he didn’t bury the hatchet in one of the nastiest primary’s in state history.

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Filed under Democrats, Florida, humor, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

I Have a Scream

I’m only writing a few bullet points. And I am doing that so I don’t get in the way of the spirit, in case he wants to talk…if you would just pray that I would be able to hear because sometimes–sometimes he’s screaming at me and I still can’t hear it.-Glenn Beck

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Filed under Barack Obama, Democrats, Fox News, Glenn Beck, humor, movies, NRA, Orrin Hatch, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Sleazy Returns to the Big Easy

(CNN) — Michael Brown, the Federal Emergency Management Agency leader who quit following widespread criticism of the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina, is taking his radio show to New Orleans, Louisiana, on Wednesday and Thursday.

Brown, who is on KOA-850 AM in Denver, Colorado, confirmed his plans to CNN.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Chimpy, Democrats, FEMA, George W. Bush, Homeland Security, humor, Katrina, Louisiana, Michael Chertoff, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

The Incredible Inedible Egg!

From The Washington Post:

The Iowa egg producer that federal officials say is at the center of a salmonella outbreak and recalls of more than a half-billion eggs has repeatedly paid fines and settled complaints over health and safety violations and allegations ranging from maintaining a “sexually hostile work environment” to abusing the hens that lay the eggs.

In the past 20 years, according to the public record, the DeCoster family operation, one of the 10 largest egg producers in the country, has withstood a string of reprimands, penalties and complaints about its performance in several states.

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Filed under Atheism, Bill Clinton, Christianity, Environment, humor, Immigration, Iowa, parody, politics, religion, Senate, Sexual Harassment, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

This Graham Cracker is Stale

Washington (CNN) – Evangelical leader Franklin Graham, son of famed presidential religious adviser Billy Graham, said Thursday that he believes President Barack Obama is a Christian, but that the president was born a Muslim because of his father’s religious beliefs.

Asked by CNN Chief National Correspondent John King if he had any doubts about Obama’s Christian faith, Graham, who has made controversial comments about Islam in the past, said the president’s background is fueling the false perception that he is a Muslim.

“I think the president’s problem is that he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim. The seed of Islam is passed through the father like the seed of Judaism is passed through the mother. He was born a Muslim, his father gave him an Islamic name,” Graham said on CNN’s “John King, USA.”

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Filed under 9/11, Barack Obama, Christianity, CNN, humor, Islam, Jerry Falwell, Media, Muslims, parody, Pentagon, politics, religion, Republicans, Richard Nixon, September 11, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs