Tag Archives: oil

And it’s 1, 2, 3 strikes, your drought!

Here we go again. Remember back in 2007 when then-Governor of Georgia, Sonny Rainman Perdue, when faced with the worst drought in 100 years, came up with a logical solution? That’s right, he held a public prayer vigil. How about when, also in 2007, then-Governor of Alabama, Bob Riley, actually issued a “Pray for Rain” proclamation in his “Curse Drought” campaign? Well, those crazy Rethuglican kids are at it again! From Salon:

Trend alert! In the face of devastating natural disasters, Republican governors around the country are increasingly asking constituents to join in prayer to God to solve their states’ intractable problems.

The latest example is Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, who, in response to a brutal heat wave that has contributed to over one hundred wildfires, asked Oklahomans to collectively pray for rain on Sunday.

To the tune of Who’ll Stop the Rain, written by John Fogerty, as performed by Creedence Clearwater Revival:

♪ ♫

A natural disaster, drives a lot of folks insane,
They drop to their knees faster, yeah, that old trick again,
The rainman down in Georgia, ex-Governor Perdue,
In aught 7, he looked to heaven, not one drop of dew.


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Filed under Christianity, humor, movies, music parody, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, snark, Sonny Perdue, Texas, Wordpress Political Blogs


From Mother Jones:

The billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David, spread their money far and wide. They fund free-market think tanks, right-leaning academic organizations, and conservative political advocacy groups, such as the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, which helped cultivate the tea party. The political action committee for the Kochs’ massive conglomerate, Koch Industries, has also given generously to big-name conservative politicians throughout the country at both the federal and state level. But when it comes to the 2012 presidential race, the Kochs have been more selective with their giving, with only one presidential candidate so far benefiting from their largesse: Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.).

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The Oily Show


Democrats are pushing hard on ending tax breaks for oil companies, linking the issue to the deficit and high gas prices, which have boosted profits in the industry to new heights.

In a floor speech on Tuesday, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said the Senate would target $4 billion in benefits for oil companies with the intention of using the savings to help address the nation’s growing debt.

“If we’re serious about reducing the deficit, this is an easy place to start,” Reid said. “It’s a no-brainer. Let’s use the savings from these taxpayer giveaways to drive down the deficit, not drive up oil company profits.”

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The Apprent-ass

From Paul Harris at the Mail & Guardian online:

The bright lights of the Las Vegas strip were an apt setting for the Donald Trump carnival roadshow to end up in last week. Amid the garish neon of the gigantic Treasure Island Casino, the business mogul-turned-reality TV star-turned-potential Republican presidential candidate made his latest stop.

Speaking at an event called The Reagan Revolution: From Ronald to Donald, Trump made his pitch to an audience of Nevada Republican bigwigs and curious onlookers in one of the key early-voting states in the nomination process. In the casino’s ballroom, which featured an ice statue of himself, Trump gave a virtuoso performance that was full of braggadocio and littered with expletives. “Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people,” he said, before referring to the Chinese government as “motherfuckers” against whom he’d raise trade tariffs.

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Filed under Barack Obama, China, CNN, Comic books, Democrats, Harry Reid, humor, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, New Hampshire, Newt Gingrich, parody, politics, Rahm Emanuel, Republicans, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin, Scandals, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

How Kudlow Can You Get?


In these tough economic times, isn’t it nice to know that calamitous natural disasters needn’t have an adverse affect on your investment portfolio? After the 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Japan failed to induce a market nosedive, CNBC’s Larry Kudlow expressed his relief in terms that seemed to appall even his fellow cheerleaders for capitalism: “The human toll here,” he declared, “looks to be much worse than the economic toll and we can be grateful for that.”

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The Artful Dodger

From Jonathan Capehart at POST PARTISAN at The Washington Post:

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) is pushing Sarah Palin off her throne as queen of the Tea Party. This considered opinion comes after watching Bachmann on “Meet the Press.” I didn’t agree with 99.9 percent of what she said, but in 12 minutes on MTP she demonstrated why she is a better leader of the angry wing of the Republican Party than Palin.

Bachmann, who is in her third term in Congress, is relentlessly on message. Her main talking point was that “secretly, unbeknownst to members of Congress, over $105 billion was hidden in the Obamacare legislation to fund the implementation of Obamacare.” No matter the question asked — Will there be a government shutdown? Has Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) failed the Tea Party? — she came back to that $105 billion.

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6 More Weeks of BS?


In a retake recalling the film version of “Groundhog Day,” the Senate today redebated the 2010 health-care reform law – this time, in a bid to repeal it.

The measure to repeal was proposed as an amendment to the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization bill. It failed a procedural challenge on a strict, party-line vote, 47 to 51. On. Jan. 19, House Republicans voted to repeal the health care law, 245 to 189. They were joined by three Democrats.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Ben Nelson, Bill Nelson, Carl Levin, Chimpy, Congress, Constitution, Democrats, George W. Bush, Harry Reid, humor, John Cornyn, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Medicaid, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Ronald Reagan, Senate Judiciary Committee, snark, Supreme Court, Wordpress Political Blogs

Sleazy Returns to the Big Easy

(CNN) — Michael Brown, the Federal Emergency Management Agency leader who quit following widespread criticism of the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina, is taking his radio show to New Orleans, Louisiana, on Wednesday and Thursday.

Brown, who is on KOA-850 AM in Denver, Colorado, confirmed his plans to CNN.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Chimpy, Democrats, FEMA, George W. Bush, Homeland Security, humor, Katrina, Louisiana, Michael Chertoff, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs