Category Archives: Constitution

The Zombie GOPocalypse

Lisa Murkowski on the floor of the Senate:

I rise to address the trial of Donald John Trump. The founders gave this body the sole power to try all impeachments, and exercising that power is a weighty responsibility. 


The President’s behavior was shameful and wrong.  His personal interests do not take precedence over those of this great nation.  The president has the responsibility to uphold the integrity and honor of the office.  Not just for himself but for all future presidents.  Degrading the office, by actions or even name calling, weakens it for future presidents, and weakens our country.


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Filed under Bill Clinton, Constitution, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, humor, Impeachment, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Ronald Reagan, satire, Senate, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

High Crimes but No Subpoenas

Twitler grabbed Lamar Alexander by the pussy. “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

coward of the county

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Filed under Constitution, humor, Impeachment, John Bolton, Lamar Alexander, Lisa Murkowski, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, movies, Nancy Pelosi, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, Senate, snark, Susan Collins, Wordpress Political Blogs

Surely You Jest


Harvard Law Emeritus Alan Dershowitz fawned over President Donald Trump having powers “that kings have never had” as he dismissed the news that Don McGahn must testify before Congress.

the court jester

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Filed under Congress, Constitution, Executive privilege, Fox News, humor, Impeachment, Laura Ingraham, movies, music parody, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Where’s the beef?

Alan Dershowitz has an essay over at THE HILL. He talks about how Rep. Maxine Waters told supporters to let Twitler officials and others in government know of their discontent by peacefully annoying them in public places. Well, poor Dersh! He opines that “rude extremists” are the bane of our existence! Nobody listens to the other side, and the new McCarthy era has begun!

Even old friends of his on Martha’s Vineyard are shunning him! Oh, the humanity!

alan dershowitz

(Full credit for #Martha’sVineyardStrong goes to Paleo at Daily Kos)

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Filed under Bill Clinton, Civil liberties, Constitution, Hillary Clinton, humor, Maxine Waters, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Guess Who Didn’t Come to Dinner!

If you didn’t see Hasan Minhaj at the White House Correspondence Dinner last night, you must correct that immediately! From Vox:

“This has been one of the strangest events I’ve ever done in my life,” Daily Show correspondent Hasan Minhaj said late in his set at Saturday’s White House Correspondent’s Dinner, before going on to say he felt like a tribute in the Hunger Games, waiting to see “if Steve Bannon is going to eat me.”

It was part of a good, but odd, performance from the comedian, who was hampered by the fact that the person he spent the most time making fun of — President Donald Trump himself — wasn’t in the room. (For his part, Trump accused the media of spreading “fake news” and said they deserved a “big fat failing grade” during a rally for supporters the same evening in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.)

Hasan has been my favorite Daily Show correspondent for a while, but right now, to me he is….


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Filed under Constitution, First Amendment, humor, Media, Muslims, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs



In just her first year in office, Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) has proven to be one of the most socially conservative members of Congress, and today she demonstrated just how intolerant she is of people who do not share her beliefs. In an interview, she and the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins were condemning the Air Force Academy for creating an outdoor worship space that accommodates “Earth-based” religions. Hartzler said she believes that her rabidly conservative brand of Christianity is “the main religion in our country” and condemned any attempt to accommodate “fringe religions”:

st ronnie ronald reagan saint elephant no gay marriage buttonOriginal painting (Virgin Mary at Prayer by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato)
(Painting within the painting)

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Filed under Christianity, Congress, Constitution, Defense Department, Family Research Council, First Amendment, John Boehner, Painting, religion, snark, Tony Perkins

Picture This!


Is this what happens when you put a CEO in charge of state government?

Those experienced in dealing with the cranky, suspicious class known as hardcore news reporters know the best way to get journalists to do something, is to tell them they can’t — and vice versa.

So it’s hard to understand why anybody in Gov. Rick Scott‘s office thought journalists would actually accede to their request that all photos of the new governor be supplanted by an official photo they distributed Monday [Click link to see the official pic].


The email sent to news outlets said: “Please forward the attached photo of Governor Rick Scott to the appropriate people in your organization who handle graphics, layout and design.  Please use this photo of Governor Scott, rather than any others you may have on file.”

Yeah, right!
thepictureofdoriangrayOriginal movie poster
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Filed under ACLU, Constitution, Florida, Guns, humor, Justice Department, movies, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, snark, Supreme Court, Wordpress Political Blogs

I’ll take ‘Rigging Elections’ for a few million, ALEC

From Sandra Khalifa at CAMPUS PROGRESS:

If there has been any doubt regarding the intent behind this year’s upsurge in voter ID legislation, Governor Scott Walker’s latest move leaves little room to question the conservative disenfranchisement agenda, at least in the state of Wisconsin. In what seems like a blatant attempt to lessen the accessibility of photo identification, Governor Walker’s administration has announced the closure of sixteen DMV centers throughout the state – for “economic” purposes.

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Filed under Constitution, Democrats, Florida, humor, Immigration, Justice Department, Karl Rove, movies, New Hampshire, parody, politics, Republicans, Senate, snark, South Carolina, Supreme Court, Wordpress Political Blogs