Category Archives: Tony Perkins



In just her first year in office, Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) has proven to be one of the most socially conservative members of Congress, and today she demonstrated just how intolerant she is of people who do not share her beliefs. In an interview, she and the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins were condemning the Air Force Academy for creating an outdoor worship space that accommodates “Earth-based” religions. Hartzler said she believes that her rabidly conservative brand of Christianity is “the main religion in our country” and condemned any attempt to accommodate “fringe religions”:

st ronnie ronald reagan saint elephant no gay marriage buttonOriginal painting (Virgin Mary at Prayer by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato)
(Painting within the painting)

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Filed under Christianity, Congress, Constitution, Defense Department, Family Research Council, First Amendment, John Boehner, Painting, religion, snark, Tony Perkins

The Macaca Awards! And the Winners Are…

In this last post about this round of the 1st Semi-Regular Macaca Awards, let’s remember what the award is all about.  Once again, I will borrow the words of my handsome and talented collaborator, Tengrain, of Mock, Paper, Scissors:

It seems so long ago that George Allen uttered the words that moved a generation (and sank his political career), and forever seared the word Macaca into our collective brain.
And so we honor all that is appalling in American Politics with the First Semi-Regular Macaca Awards.

macacaawardannouncement-1(Image courtesy of Tengrain)

Welcome our special presenters who will be handing out the awards.

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Filed under Christianity, Family Research Council, First Amendment, Glenn Beck, humor, Media, Newt Gingrich, parody, Pat Robertson, politics, Republicans, Rupert Murdoch, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Scandals, snark, Tony Perkins, Wordpress Political Blogs

The Macaca Awards! Part IV

We continue with nominations for the Mock, Paper, ScissorsHysterical Raisins 1st Semi-Regular Macaca Awards.
(Image courtesy of Tengrain)

Tonight’s category is Outstanding Achievement in Promoting Fundamentalist Christian Theocracy and Pooping on the First Amendment, and the nominees are:
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Filed under Christianity, Congress, Constitution, Family Research Council, First Amendment, Gay rights, Glenn Beck, Homophobia, Homosexuality, humor, Iowa, Mike Huckabee, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, Sam Brownback, Sarah Palin, Senate, snark, South Carolina, Tony Perkins, Wordpress Political Blogs

Well, he *does* appear to have a lot of baggage…


You might not know [George Alan] Rekers, but he has long played a prominent role behind the scenes in the social conservative movement: A member of the founding board of the conservative Family Research Council, Rekers has authored books on how to ensure that children grow up straight.

A Baptist minister and former research fellow at Harvard University, Rekers has testified against gay adoptions and is on the board of National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality, which is focused on helping gay people turn straight.

According to [a Miami] New Times story, by Penn Bullock and Brandon K. Thorp, Rekers was spotted returning from a ten-day trip to Europe with a young man identified as Lucien [the name he uses at the site is Geo], who he allegedly met on a gay website called

It’s that old argument–I’m not gay, but my boyfriend is!

Original DVD cover
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Filed under Ann Coulter, Baptists, Christianity, Congress, Family Research Council, Florida, Gay rights, Health and Human Services Department, Homophobia, Homosexuality, humor, James Dobson, Jesus, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Scandals, Sean Hannity, snark, Tony Perkins, Wordpress Political Blogs

Michael Steele has his hands tied. Hey! He can work at the bondage club now!

From Top of the Ticket at the Los Angeles Times:

Since Michael Steele was elected chairman of the Republican National Committee in January 2009, the once Grand Old Party has suffered a series of gaffes, scandals and other signals of a party in distress. Then the “tea party” activists came to town, further endangering the brand.

Original DVD cover
(In the back, l to r: Ed Where’s My Chin? Gillespie, Tony Holier-Than-Thou Perkins, and Princess Sarah Palin)
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Filed under 9/11, Chimpy, Christianity, Congress, Family Research Council, George W. Bush, humor, Karl Rove, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, Scandals, Senate, snark, Supreme Court, Tony Perkins, Wordpress Political Blogs

Should Rudy oppose gay marriage when he’s running out of women to marry?

From Politico:

Rudy Giuliani, the thrice-married former New York City mayor, has come out strongly against Democratic Gov. David Paterson’s proposed gay marriage bill.

Original book cover.
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Filed under 2008 election, abortion, Books, Catholicism, Christianity, Family Research Council, Gay rights, Hillary Clinton, Homophobia, Homosexuality, humor, Judith Nathan, Newt Gingrich, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, Rudy Giuliani, Scandals, snark, television, Tony Perkins, Wordpress Political Blogs

He *Should* Be on the Extramarital Relations Committee Instead

From The Times-Picayune:

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana Democrats attacked U.S. Sen. David Vitter over his vote Thursday against Secretary of State nominee Hillary Clinton, which Vitter said stemmed from concerns about overseas conflicts of interest.

The Louisiana Republican was the only member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to oppose the nomination, saying Clinton shouldn’t run the State Department because of her husband’s charitable fundraising overseas.

Original DVD cover.
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Filed under 2008 election, abortion, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Christianity, David Vitter, Democrats, Family Research Council, Hillary Clinton, humor, Immigration, John McCain, Louisiana, movies, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, Scandals, snark, State Department, Tony Perkins, Wordpress Political Blogs

Bad Medicine

From the Los Angeles Times:

The Bush administration announced its “conscience protection” rule for the healthcare industry Thursday, giving doctors, hospitals, and even receptionists and volunteers in medical experiments the right to refuse to participate in medical care they find morally objectionable.

“This rule protects the right of medical providers to care for their patients in accord with their conscience,” said outgoing Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt.

The right-to-refuse rule includes abortion and other aspects of healthcare where moral concerns could arise, Leavitt’s office said, such as birth control, emergency contraception, in vitro fertilization, stem cell research and assisted suicide.

The rule, to be published today in the Federal Register, takes effect the day before President Bush leaves office.

Original DVD cover.
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Filed under 2008 election, abortion, Barack Obama, Chimpy, Congress, Family Research Council, Gay rights, George W. Bush, Health and Human Services Department, Hillary Clinton, Homophobia, Homosexuality, humor, movies, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, snark, Tony Perkins, Wordpress Political Blogs