Category Archives: Sarah Palin

His Shitstain is on Every Can!

From  at Esquire:

On Tuesday night, the voters in the great state of Alabama pushed a lawless theocratic lunatic named Roy Moore one tiny step away from a seat in the United States Senate. Moore lost his job as chief justice of that state’s supreme court twice; on both occasions, he lost it by flaunting the authority of the federal court system as though he were Orval Faubus in 1957.

dinty moore

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Filed under abortion, ACLU, Advertising, Christianity, Homophobia, Homosexuality, humor, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, Sarah Palin, satire, Senate, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Strings Attached

From Crooks & Liars:

Senator John McCain went full Trump on Thursday, telling reporters that President Obama was “directly responsible” for the massacre in Orlando. Seriously?


Democrats responded swiftly, denouncing his statements.

Senator Reid tweeted that McCain’s “unhinged comments are just the latest proof that Senate Republicans are puppets of Donald Trump.”


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Filed under Barack Obama, Harry Reid, humor, Joe Biden, John McCain, NRA, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, Senate, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

I hope your Thanksgiving was peppered with happiness!

And I hope you didn’t have to eat at Megyn Kelly’s house.
Original painting (Freedom from Want by Norman Rockwell, to whom I offer my profound apology)
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Filed under Bill O'Reilly, Brian Kilmeade, Fox News, Greta Van Susteren, Gretchen Carlson, humor, Mike Huckabee, Painting, parody, politics, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, snark, Steve Doocy, Wordpress Political Blogs

Herman Cain, What a Doll!

This is what happens when you make a comment around me.  This is the thread over at the Big Orange that started it all. Eventually, Jeff Y declared that  Herb Herman Koch Cain is:

The black Caribou Barbie

Of course, that reminded me of this old poster:
And that got me thinking that Herb Hermie deserved his own action figure.  Maybe he and Princess Sarah Palin will be hosting a show togther over at Faux News one day, and we don’t want Caribou Barbie’s doll to be lonely.

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Filed under humor, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, Scandals, Sexual Harassment, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Misogyny: Good for What Ailes Ya

From am new york:

Get ready for a big surprise.

Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes did not hire Sarah Palin as an on-air commentator because of her lacerating wit or insight into domestic and foreign affairs.

“I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings,” Ailes, 71, said of the former vice presidential candidate in an interview with the Huffington Post published Wednesday.

Yeah, kids, I know what you’re saying–Roger Ailes is a misogynistic pig.  You might take that back, though, when you find out that he hired Glenn Beck for the same reasons!

Original movie poster
Blechhh got fired, so would anyone be surprised if Princess Sarah is next on the chopping block?
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Filed under Fox News, Glenn Beck, humor, Media, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, Sarah Palin, Scandals, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

The End of an Error

From Steve Kornacki at Salon:

The White House campaign ruse ends. If only the myth would too

There are, believe it or not, a few people who seem genuinely surprised by Sarah Palin’s announcement last night that she won’t run for president in 2012.

samanthawhoOriginal TV poster

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Filed under humor, John McCain, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs

The Mitt Hatter?


When NBC’s Brian Williams asked former Gov. Mitt Romney at the most recent Republican presidential debate if he considers himself “a member of the tea party,” it may have been the toughest question of the night.

As anyone who aligns himself with the small-government movement will tell you, the question was overly simplistic–the tea party is more of an intellectual concept than an actual centralized organization–but Williams’ question clearly struck a nerve. It was one of the only questions during the debate that Romney hesitated before answering, and his meandering response took far more time and effort than what some of his contenders would have expended in the same exchange.  Herman Cain, for instance, probably would have whistled by the query and just said, “Yes.”

madhattermittromneyOriginal image
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Filed under humor, Mitt Romney, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, Senate, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs


From Dana Milbank at POST OPINIONS at The Washington Post:

Yes, [Rick] Perry is passionately anti-government, or at least anti-this-government. But the man who suddenly tops the Republican presidential polls is no libertarian. Rick Perry is a theocrat.

And he’s not the only one.  I’m lookin’ at you Botox Batshit Michele Bachmann and Princess Sarah Palin!

theoOriginal DVD cover

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Filed under abortion, ACLU, Christianity, Evolution, Gay rights, Homophobia, Homosexuality, humor, Intelligent design, Jesus, Mitt Romney, movies, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, Sarah Palin, snark, Texas, Wordpress Political Blogs