Tag Archives: governor

The Most Dangerous Animal is in the Governor’s Office

From ONNtv:

Animal Rights Activists across the country are outraged with Ohio’s laws when it comes to exotic animals.

Now Gov. John Kasich is coming under fire from some animal groups Wednesday night, ONN’s affiliate WEWS reported.

A ban on exotic pets expired in April and Kasich didn’t renew it. Now some groups are criticizing the governor for not doing enough fast enough.

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From The State:

Gov. Nikki Haley wants state workers to answer their phones, saying, “It’s a great day in South Carolina. How can I help you?”

Tuesday, Haley instructed the directors of Cabinet agencies, which report to her, to change the way their employees answer the phones.

Haley said the change will boost the morale of state workers, remind them they work for the callers on the other end of the line and help her sell the state to employers.

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Filed under Democrats, humor, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Scandals, snark, South Carolina, Wordpress Political Blogs

Haley’s Vomit

From scnow (editorial):

Four hundred thirty bucks a night (each!) for hotel rooms.

Fifteen hundred in airfare.

A $25,000 party.

Rooftop dining on a balmy June night in old Paree.

Bill Gates’ most recent business trip?

The new Real Housewives of Europe reality show?


Those are all items from S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s trip to Paris earlier this summer, where she and her entourage, which included State Senator Hugh Leatherman of Florence, racked up $127,000 (and counting) in bills, some of which will be paid by the taxpayer, according to some dogged reporting by the Charleston Post & Courier.

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From Dana Milbank at POST OPINIONS at The Washington Post:

Yes, [Rick] Perry is passionately anti-government, or at least anti-this-government. But the man who suddenly tops the Republican presidential polls is no libertarian. Rick Perry is a theocrat.

And he’s not the only one.  I’m lookin’ at you Botox Batshit Michele Bachmann and Princess Sarah Palin!

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Filed under abortion, ACLU, Christianity, Evolution, Gay rights, Homophobia, Homosexuality, humor, Intelligent design, Jesus, Mitt Romney, movies, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, Sarah Palin, snark, Texas, Wordpress Political Blogs


From abc NEWS:

A New York Daily News story published on Sunday set off a flurry of speculation about former New York Gov. George Pataki’s possible 2012 ambitions, and now there are reports from Iowa that Pataki may be poised to enter the race on Saturday.

Pataki has signed on to attend a Polk County Republican Party picnic in Des Moines on Saturday and Darrell Kearney, a spokesman for the county party told ABC News late Monday night that “based on conversations with Pataki staff there is a strong possibility Gov. Pataki will get in the race, and the announcement may come Saturday.”

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Filed under abortion, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Gay rights, humor, Iowa, Mitt Romney, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Science Friction: A Canary in the Batshit Cave?

From Deseret News:

Jon M. Huntsman Jr., a former Utah governor who has been stuck in the second tier of candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, took an assertive new tone during a televised interview Sunday, saying that recent remarks by two of his major rivals were “extreme” and “unrealistic.”

He was referring, respectively, to two of the most conservative Republican candidates for president — Gov. Rick Perry of Texas and Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota — both of whom have overshadowed him in surveys of Republican voters.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Ben Bernanke, China, Global warming, humor, parody, politics, Republicans, Ron Paul, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs

Campaign Slogan: Every night’s a pantless party!


Missouri Lt. Gov Peter Kinder (R) has spoken out about the allegations that he long frequented a strip club and sort-of stalked a stripper who worked there, admitting that he used to go to the strip club in question but maintaining that it was years ago. “I came to realize that this is not consistent with my upbringing. I’m a Christian,” he said.

Kinder also denied many of the allegations against him. “A single man is vulnerable to any fantastic charge,” he told the St. Louis Beacon.

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Filed under Christianity, Democrats, humor, movies, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Picture This!

From tampabay.com:

Is this what happens when you put a CEO in charge of state government?

Those experienced in dealing with the cranky, suspicious class known as hardcore news reporters know the best way to get journalists to do something, is to tell them they can’t — and vice versa.

So it’s hard to understand why anybody in Gov. Rick Scott‘s office thought journalists would actually accede to their request that all photos of the new governor be supplanted by an official photo they distributed Monday [Click link to see the official pic].


The email sent to news outlets said: “Please forward the attached photo of Governor Rick Scott to the appropriate people in your organization who handle graphics, layout and design.  Please use this photo of Governor Scott, rather than any others you may have on file.”

Yeah, right!
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Filed under ACLU, Constitution, Florida, Guns, humor, Justice Department, movies, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, snark, Supreme Court, Wordpress Political Blogs