Monthly Archives: September 2019

Lordy, I hope there are tapes!

From the Op-Ed page of the TIMES of SAN DIEGO:

(Written by Colleen O’Connor, native San Diegan and a retired college professor)

Sen. Dianne Feinstein just called for a “word for word” transcript of the explosive whistleblower complaint against President Trump that led to the House impeachment inquiry.

As the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Feinstein believes that an “official word-for-word transcript of the call” between Trump and the President of the Ukraine was produced.

And she also doubts the accuracy of Trump’s report of the call.

A verbatim transcript (without the many ellipses found in the Trump version) is probably hidden inside the U.S. intelligence community’s “code-only,” restricted-access computer system.

loose lips sink ships zelensky

Original poster

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Filed under Democrats, Dianne Feinstein, FBI, humor, Impeachment, James Comey, Nancy Pelosi, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, Senate Intelligence Committee, Senate Judiciary Committee, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Hopelessly Devoted

From The Post and Courier:

BLUFFTON — South Carolina’s two Republican senators sought to discredit the whistleblower complaint that has spurred an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott separately came to the same conclusion Friday, calling the complaint “hearsay” and questioning the validity of the claims.

“It’s over the top,” Graham told The Post and Courier on Friday night moments before he was set to give the keynote address at a Beaufort County Republican Party dinner.

grease sing-along

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Filed under Bill Clinton, humor, Impeachment, Lindsey Graham, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, South Carolina, Wordpress Political Blogs

Secreting Aging Man

Hey kids, it’s been a while since we had a song parody! I think Rudy 9/11 Giuliani, Twitler’s personal super-secret envoy to Ukraine, deserves one.

rudy giuliani salivating

To the tune of Secret Agent Man (written by P.F. Sloan and Steve Barri, performed by Johnny Rivers):

There’s a man who needs a diaper changer,

Every time he speaks, it just gets stranger,
Rudy is his name, and he got sent to Ukraine,
Odds are, he will change his tale tomorrow.

♫ ♪

Secret envoy man, secret envoy man,
They’re mopping up your spittle, but it will leave a stain.

♪ ♫

Watch him as he’s screaming at Chris Cuomo,

chris cuomo
Rudy’s singin’ more than Perry Como,
He just fucked up again,
He confessed on CNN,

cnn logo
Odds are, he’ll be on Fox News tomorrow.

faux news logo

♫ ♪

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Filed under CNN, Fox News, humor, Joe Biden, music parody, parody, politics, Republicans, Rudy Giuliani, satire, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Whistleblowing past the graveyard

From CBS News:

Washington — President Trump moved on Wednesday to stave off the most serious threat to his presidency yet, releasing a summary of a conversation with the president of Ukraine that’s at the center of an impeachment inquiry by House Democrats. In a series of public appearances, Mr. Trump argued the summary cleared him of wrongdoing, despite it showing he repeatedly urged the Ukrainian president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, his potential Democratic rival.

fat albert

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Filed under Comic books, comics, Democrats, House Intelligence Committee, humor, Impeachment, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Nancy Pelosi, parody, politics, Republicans, Robert Mueller, Rudy Giuliani, Russia, satire, Senate, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Biden Their Time

From Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post:

It’s long past time that media outlets stop hyping the story line that former vice president Joe Biden did something untoward regarding Ukraine. Last week New York Times reporter Ken Vogel called Ukraine a “significant liability” for Biden and teased that “there is a story here.” Vogel added: “We’ve told some of it. There is more to be told. We are going to continue to sort of pull that back.”

In fact, there never was any “liability” whatsoever and the “more to be told” has turned out to be “nothing to be told.” When it came time to put the facts in print, Vogel reported: “As The New York Times reported this spring, no evidence has surfaced that the former vice president intentionally tried to help his son by pressing for the prosecutor’s dismissal. In fact, some of the vice president’s former associates said he never did anything to deter other efforts to go after the oligarch, Mykola Zlochevsky.” Vogel omits mention that the spring report came under a misleading headline and that the admission there was no “there there” only came after paragraph upon paragraph suggesting Biden had some kind of problem.

At any rate, the jig is up, and it’s time for reporters without any proof to cease attempting to convert this into a Biden scandal.

absolute power

Original DVD cover


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Filed under Democrats, humor, Joe Biden, Justice Department, Media, movies, New York Times, parody, politics, Republicans, Rudy Giuliani, satire, snark, State Department, Wordpress Political Blogs

One Direction

From upolitics:

At a Trump campaign fundraiser in August, Ivanka Trump told donors she got her “moral compass” from her dad, President Donald Trump.

ivanka compass

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Filed under humor, parody, Republicans, satire, snark

Stick it where the sun don’t shine!


Fox Business host Lou Dobbs closed out his show by recounting a visit to the White House with superlatives approaching propaganda levels, praising the “sunshine” in the administration.

“A lot is happening in Washington and across this great country of ours. And it’s because we have a president who is a true leader. And I believe will be regarded as one of this country’s greatest presidents,” he said.

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

Original movie poster

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Filed under Fox News, humor, Lou Dobbs, Michelle Malkin, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

The Divided Kingdom

From BBC News:

Tory rebels and opposition MPs have defeated the government in the first stage of their attempt to pass a law designed to prevent a no-deal Brexit.

mr. wong detective boris johnson

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Filed under Britain, Great Britain, humor, movies, parody, politics, Queen Elizabeth, satire, snark, United Kingdom, Wordpress Political Blogs