Hopelessly Devoted

From The Post and Courier:

BLUFFTON — South Carolina’s two Republican senators sought to discredit the whistleblower complaint that has spurred an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott separately came to the same conclusion Friday, calling the complaint “hearsay” and questioning the validity of the claims.

“It’s over the top,” Graham told The Post and Courier on Friday night moments before he was set to give the keynote address at a Beaufort County Republican Party dinner.

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Original DVD cover

Graham tried to make light of the serious impeachment inquiry surrounding a July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

“Salem witch trials had more due process than this,” Graham told the audience.


“He’s not really a whistleblower, so it’s really more hearsay,”  Scott told reporters in Washington, according to reports from multiple news outlets.

“If we’re talking about someone who actually is not a whistleblower, someone who’s only heard it — hearsay — then that brings everything into question,” he said in the reports.


Graham also said the House needs to vote on an inquiry of impeachment if they are truly concerned.

And he should know. In 1999, during his third term in the House of Representatives, Graham helped lead the impeachment trial against President Bill Clinton.

“I voted on one. I put my name by it,” he said, before criticizing one of South Carolina’s Democrats for not declaring where he stands.


Before wrapping up his remarks in Bluffton, Graham told attendees he had to get back to Washington. He had plans to golf with Trump on Saturday morning.

Hearsay he say? Two words: Linda Tripp.


Filed under Bill Clinton, humor, Impeachment, Lindsey Graham, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, South Carolina, Wordpress Political Blogs

3 responses to “Hopelessly Devoted

  1. I love how you depicted Lindsey Graham The red heels and off the shoulder dress are perfect for the pussy footer. He is so over the top loyal, that one has to wonder what all is going on in his warped amoebic and anemic brain.

    • Yvonne, you know how I love to dress Lindseypoo up. I don’t think he’s loyal at all. He’s an opportunist. As soon as Twitler starts to really stink with the base, Lindseypoo will be first on line to kick him when he’s down. I don’t understand why South Carolina keeps voting for him. He does nothing for them and everything for his rich friends. There should be a Voting Against Your Own Best Interest Party.

      • Well, I must admit that you are obviously right again about Lindseypoo and his opportunistic self with his high pitched voice and red face. Maybe South Carolinians vote for him because those folks are too lazy to learn about what another politician could do for them.