Daily Archives: April 30, 2010

Harry, King of Cots

From FIREDOGLAKE (April 28, 2010 12:47 P.M.):

Roll Out The Cots – Democrats To Stage All-Night Session On FinReg

In a bit of political theater, Senate Democrats plan to hold Republicans hostage on the floor and continually reject moving to debate on the Wall Street reform bill as a means to highlight the obstructionism and hopefully break the impasse.


A senior leadership aide described this stunt as similar to what they did when Jim Bunning would not give consent on the unemployment insurance extension. The press was very negative toward Bunning and the Republicans, and eventually they caved. Democrats are hopeful that they can force the hand of those who have wavered on the FinReg bill – George Voinovich, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and others – and “seal the deal” on moving to a floor debate on it. It is likely that Democrats would need more than one Republican to get 60 votes, as Ben Nelson “doesn’t seem like he’s budging,” the aide said.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Ben Cardin, Ben Nelson, Christopher Dodd, Democrats, George Voinovich, Harry Reid, humor, Media, Mitch McConnell, movies, Olympia Snowe, parody, politics, Republicans, Senate, snark, Susan Collins, Wordpress Political Blogs