POTUS vs. Hippopotamus

From ABC News:

In his meeting with the bipartisan collection of congressional leaders Friday, President Obama cited conservative talk radio giant Rush Limbaugh as a symbol of partisan politics.

“You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done,” President Obama said, according to the New York Post’s Charlie Hurt.

Original image.

A source present in the room, characterized what the President was driving at as “Limbaugh was basically representative of petty partisan politics — the broader point being: if we listen to the partisans and are driven only by our political bases — instead of an interest in getting things done – we’re not going to be able to accomplish the enormous task of passing the stimulus.”

Limbaugh earlier this month said on his radio show and again on Sean Hannity’s Colmes-less Fox News broadcast that he hopes Obama fails.


[…] he told Hannity, “I want him to fail. If his agenda is a far-left collectivism — some people say socialism — as a conservative heartfelt, deeply, why would I want socialism to succeed?”

Original image.

Tip of the hat to IamTheJudge at the Big Orange for the Jabba the Hutt idea.


Filed under Barack Obama, Democrats, Fox News, Hillary Clinton, humor, Joe Biden, Media, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

16 responses to “POTUS vs. Hippopotamus

  1. writechicpress

    I’m actually wiping away a little tear I’m so moved. πŸ˜‰

  2. Nonnie, allow me to reiterate my offer to marry you and support your blogging efforts in comfort and style.
    I’ll bring home the bacon and you can fry it. Hmm?

  3. writechicpress

    “Obama, Kaa bazza kundee hodrudda! Ho, oh, ho, oh.” –Blabber the Butt

    Can you hear it?

  4. jeb

    Now if we could only launch the pill-popper and Ins-Hannity into a galaxy far, far away.

  5. Your level of skill never fails to amaze me.

    Wish I were close by so that I could wheedle lessons from you.

  6. there, there, wcp. have a tissue, sweetie. πŸ™‚

    by the way, that sounds much more intelligent than anything else limpdick has said before.

  7. karen,
    can we make it turkey bacon? i’m on a diet. πŸ˜‰

  8. jeb,
    can we? there’s what whole mission to mars thing happening. i think rush should volunteer!

  9. lulu maude,
    πŸ˜† if you ever watched me work, you would change your mind in a heartbeat! i fumble around, google how to stuff in photoshop, and then endlessly do the whole trial-and-error thing. i find new ways to do stuff all the time, but the next time i want to do it, i forget how i did it the first time.

  10. nightowl724

    We are big Star Trek/Wars fans and, oh, ho we laughed at this! nonnie, you rule the galaxy!

  11. damn! i was aiming for the universe, not just a measly galaxy! 😑

  12. nightowl724

    Next time…

  13. I’m sorry I’m so late to this party. The Hysterical Raisins advisor on science and science fiction approves!

  14. πŸ˜† oh, thank goodness, neon vincent, hr science and science fiction adviser! i was going to take this post down, because it didn’t have your seal of approval on it. you got here just in time!

  15. jmadlc55

    Hey nonnie, thanks for stopping by. I love these two. I keep asking: What the hell is wrong with these people?

    • jesus!!!
      what a nice surprise to see you comment here! πŸ˜€ i hope this is just the first and that you will stop by often!

      as to what’s wrong with these people? i wish i knew.