The Breakfast Schlub

From MinnPost:

Minnesota 6th District Rep. Michele Bachmann will burnish her conservative standing when she appears at the 1st Annual Tea Party Convention in February. The Nashville event also will feature former Alaska Gov. and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

City Pages says Bachmann will give a breakfast speech, while Palin is the keynote speaker at the Saturday evening main event Feb. 6.

Tickets for the weekend convention are now on sale for $549 but don’t include accommodations at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center.

549 bucks? They had better have something good for breakfast! Don’t worry, kids, I’m on the case! I’ll find out what the breakfast menu is. (Make your own jokes about teabaggers having a convention at the Gaylord.)

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(ChattahBox)—The wacky right-wing lawmaker Michele Bachmann, is scheduled to give a speech at the first National Tea Party Convention, which will take place in Nashville, TN in February. Bachmann is a hero to teapartiers, after she recently staged an anti-health care reform Capitol tea party rally she called, “The Superbowl of Freedom.”

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Bachmann will be one of the breakfast speakers at the event, which will feature such discussion panels, as “How to Defeat Liberalism.”

Bachmann’s anti-Obama and anti-health care reform rally on the steps of the Capitol was marked with offensive, racist and anti-Semitic signs.


Bachmann’s rally may have broken House ethics rules. The watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) are calling for an investigation into Bachmann’s possible violation of House rules, by using her taxpayer-funded website to organize a contentious grassroots rally against fellow lawmakers.

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Filed under Barack Obama, humor, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

34 responses to “The Breakfast Schlub

  1. What’s scary is the number of people I know who think that Bachman is great.

    I really need new friends …

  2. I’m LMAO right now. This post is great!! Nons…you continue to outdo yourself. I just love Nutty Bars, and now I must eat more of them knowing I’m chomping on such a nutcase!

    So glad I don’t live in Nashville!

  3. So, did you find a cheap Halloween costume and doll up Representative Batshit in it?

  4. exactly. she doesn’t deserve anything more than a cheap imitation. i actually put her in a more authentic batman outfit a while back.

  5. I detect another youth warped by Wacky Packages, Nonnie. Crunchilicious work.


  6. writechic

    Great pictures as always!

    How do you think the introduction will go when the two party princesses descend on one event?

    “Ladies and Gentle, hold on to your teabags! With a combined IQ of 96, the GOP’s brightest stars are ready to shine in a pageant of platitudes and preposterous claims! Blah, blah, blah.”

    Nashville is way too close for me now.

  7. Dusty

    W00T! Batshit Bachmann looks good Nonnie. 😉

    Five bucks says Palin will stand them up.

  8. jeb

    Nonnie, I was going to make the gratuitous teabag and Gaylord joke but anything I can come up with would pale in comparison to “Cap’n Trade Skank.” I have to change my pants after that one.

    I will ask though, if you pay $549 to get teabagged at the Gaylord, is there a chance of getting busted by the vice squad? Even if there was, it would still be better than enduring speeches by Princess and the Cap’n Trade Skank.

  9. Friend of the court

    this was the last place I was, when my computer disc died and I have returned here first, too. Two weeks and four days,it was gone. The upside is that I got out the water colors and completed eight small pieces. I hope I don’t stay up all night.

    This is prime packaging. The Skank should be sold in bulk , bring your own bag.

  10. Oh, shit. Those are two mighty impressive and hilarious posters. Great job. LOL

  11. Oops. Sorry. The Nutty Bar one didn’t load up before I had scrolled down to comment last night. All the posters rock!

  12. braveny

    Nonnie you need to do Palin and Bachmann as the Stepford Wives… or maybe you have and I missed it.

    • i have to look and see. i honestly don’t remember half the movies i’ve used or who i put in them. i need a better filing system (she says like she has a filing system).