Daily Archives: October 23, 2011

Bye Bye Botox Batshit Bachmann!

At the beginning of the week, I read about the little spat that Botox Batshit Bachmann was having with her ex-campaign manager Ed Rollins. Ol’ Ed was a bit critical about her batshittery about the HPV vaccine causing mental retardation, and he remarked that she didn’t really have a snowball’s chance in Hell after the Iowa caucuses. Well, of course, Botox Batshit Bachmann was quite surprised. She would have looked like it, too, but with all the Botox, she is no longer able to raise her eyebrows. When asked about Ol’ Ed’s disloyalty to her and how he had previously dissed other candidates he had worked for, she said, “I guess I should have done that Google search.” She would have furrowed her forehead at that point, but, once again, the Botox. In response, Ol’ Ed said, “Well, if I would have Googled her, I would have found out she had 6 chiefs of staff in 5 years.”

Well, while they were busy regretting not googling each other, there are some new developments in the Botox Batshit Bachmann campaign ranks.

stuffed bat elephant toysOriginal album cover
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Filed under humor, Iowa, New Hampshire, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs