Who changes the diapers?

From npr:

Another Sunday, another Trump Twitter war.

This time, President Trump, who is spending the day at his golf course in Virginia, took aim at retiring Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee.

And Corker fired back.

“It’s a shame the White House has become an adult day care center,” Corker wrote. “Someone obviously missed their shift this morning.”

Adult? In years only…

daddy day care

Background, left to right: Ivanka, Jared Kushner, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kellyanne Conway, Omarosa Manigault, Twitler, Stephen Miller, Mike Pence.

Original DVD cover

In what has been widely perceived as an effort to save face, Trump claimed that Corker had “begged” the president to endorse him for re-election, but that Trump had turned him down. According to the president, that refusal is what ultimately led to the high-ranking senator’s September announcement that he would not seek another term.

“Senator Bob Corker ‘begged’ me to endorse him for re-election in Tennessee. I said ‘NO’ and he dropped out (said he could not win without my endorsement). He also wanted to be Secretary of State, I said ‘NO THANKS.’ He is also largely responsible for the horrendous Iran Deal!”


Corker, who is chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, has been increasingly critical of the president in recent weeks, publicly airing his frustration with the dysfunction within the White House.

On Wednesday, he said, “I think Secretary [of State Rex] Tillerson, (Defense) Secretary (Jim) Mattis and Chief of Staff (John) Kelly are those people that help separate our country from chaos.”


Shortly after Trump’s Sunday morning tweets, Corker’s chief of staff, Todd Womack, rebutted the president’s claims, The Washington Post reports. Womack says that it was Trump asking for a favor.

The article states: “Trump called Corker early last week and asked him to reconsider his decision not to seek reelection, according to Womack. He said the president also reaffirmed that he would have endorsed Corker had he decided to run again — which, Womack added, was not the first time that Trump had extended such an offer of support.”

Trump’s latest feud with Corker comes at an inopportune time for Republicans trying to pass tax legislation. As NPR’s Susan Davis reported, Corker could be a bigger threat to the Republican tax bill than the party realizes.

Just like on health care, Republicans can only lose two votes and still pass a tax bill if no Democrats or independents support it. That is why securing Corker’s vote is critical.

But Corker has repeatedly said he views the deficit as the biggest threat to the nation.



Filed under humor, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

9 responses to “Who changes the diapers?

  1. lying Trump. My oh my how he tries to turn the tables on folks in an effort to make himself look good. That man could not tell the truth if his life depended on it. Model T is a sad adult day care child posing as president.

    Corker is smart to leave the Senate while he still has a face to save- I think. I don’t know about his rack record but I would hope he just might be a nicer repub than some of his cohorts.

    • Corker plans on running against Twitler (if Twitler is still around). Just because he is speaking against Twitler, that doesn’t mean he’s not the same homophobe/misogynist/climate change denier he always was.

      • Good I hope he puts Twitler in the ground He appears to be an intelligent fellow minus his negative ideas/views and he is way better looking than little hands and protruding belly Trump. Now that will be an interesting race if he does run. He better get busy if he is going to run.

  2. Why does Trump keep lying about things that are so easily exposed? Corker certainly knows whether he asked Trump for an endorsement or not.

    I see Trump got the little-hands treatment again. But I’m sure he’s even more annoyed by the fact that Corker came up with a better insult than he could.

    • Why does he lie? Because his base is so fucking stupid that they believe him when he says the news is fake when they quote him directly. If he tells them Corker is lying, they will believe that Corker is lying. It doesn’t matter if their conversation occurred in the presence of Jesus himself, and their lord and savior testified on behalf of Corker. They would still believe Twitler.

  3. singe

    Corker is an asshole but he is their asshole and he is going after their really big asshole so this is good as far as anything can be good with these evil ones running the government.