Tag Archives: Bashar al-Assad

“If the nesting doll fits…”

From NBC News:

Hillary Clinton says she believes that the Russians have “got their eye on somebody who’s currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate.”

In a recent interview, Clinton didn’t mention Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii by name, but said she believes one candidate is “the favorite of the Russians.” Asked if the former secretary of state was referring to Gabbard, Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said, “If the nesting doll fits…”

russian doll

Original DVD cover inspiration

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Filed under Democrats, Hillary Clinton, humor, parody, politics, Russia, satire, snark, television, Vladimir Putin, Wordpress Political Blogs

A Little Veruca Salt to Rub in Steve Bannon’s Wounds?

From Think Progress:

Ivanka Trump — an official government employee without military experience but with her own White House office— reportedly influenced President Donald Trump’s decision to strike against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad last week, according to her brother Eric Trump.

Trump authorized a U.S. missile attack on a Syrian airbase on Friday in response to a chemical weapons attack allegedly committed by the Assad regime that killed scores of people, including more than 30 children.

“Ivanka is a mother of three kids and she has influence. I’m sure she said: ‘Listen, this is horrible stuff,’” Eric Trump told The Telegraph.

“My father will act in times like that,” Eric Trump added.

Hey! If that’s all it takes, maybe there’s a way to get rid of Steve Bannon quickly!


Original image

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Filed under humor, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

The 5th Passover Question: How is this press secretary different from all other press secretaries?

From The Atlantic:

There’s no good time to make a Hitler comparison, but deploying one in the midst of Passover to justify voluntary airstrikes is an especially unwise choice, as White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer realized, to his chagrin, Tuesday afternoon.

Spicer was fielding questions about the Trump administration’s confusing and diffuse strategy toward Syria when he was asked why the White House believed that Russian President Vladimir Putin would break with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad at this moment.

“You look, we didn’t use chemical weapons in World War II. You had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons,” Spicer said.


How much you wanna bet that foot is not kosher for Passover?

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Filed under Holocaust, humor, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, Vladimir Putin, Wordpress Political Blogs