Daily Archives: June 27, 2010

Scam Wow!


A 2007 television infomercial in which former Rep. J.D. Hayworth promoted seminars for “free money grants” from the federal government has resurfaced to shake up his Republican primary challenge to incumbent Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

Hayworth, who lost his seat in Congress in 2006 and now is running against McCain from the right as an anti-spending, “tea-party”-style conservative, appeared in the 30-minute infomercial to help assure viewers that hundreds of billions of dollars could be available to them.

Original DVD cover
(Click on the image, and then click on that for a larger version)

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Filed under 2008 election, Advertising, Congress, humor, John McCain, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Senate, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs