Daily Archives: July 20, 2011

And it’s 1, 2, 3 strikes, your drought!

Here we go again. Remember back in 2007 when then-Governor of Georgia, Sonny Rainman Perdue, when faced with the worst drought in 100 years, came up with a logical solution? That’s right, he held a public prayer vigil. How about when, also in 2007, then-Governor of Alabama, Bob Riley, actually issued a “Pray for Rain” proclamation in his “Curse Drought” campaign? Well, those crazy Rethuglican kids are at it again! From Salon:

Trend alert! In the face of devastating natural disasters, Republican governors around the country are increasingly asking constituents to join in prayer to God to solve their states’ intractable problems.

The latest example is Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, who, in response to a brutal heat wave that has contributed to over one hundred wildfires, asked Oklahomans to collectively pray for rain on Sunday.

To the tune of Who’ll Stop the Rain, written by John Fogerty, as performed by Creedence Clearwater Revival:

♪ ♫

A natural disaster, drives a lot of folks insane,
They drop to their knees faster, yeah, that old trick again,
The rainman down in Georgia, ex-Governor Perdue,
In aught 7, he looked to heaven, not one drop of dew.


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Filed under Christianity, humor, movies, music parody, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, snark, Sonny Perdue, Texas, Wordpress Political Blogs