Tag Archives: Keith Schiller

Forget the wall, put up a revolving door!


President Trump’s longtime aide and head of Oval Office operations, Keith Schiller, is leaving the White House and Washington, CBS News confirms, according to two sources familiar with the situation.

Schiller plans to re-locate to Florida. Financial considerations and some friction with chief of staff John Kelly are at the heart of the decision.

lord of the flies

left to right, front: Keith Schiller, Steve Bannon back: Anthony Scaramucci, Sebastian Gorka, Jason Miller, Michael Flynn (trying to hide from Robert Mueller), Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer

Original DVD cover

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Filed under humor, James Comey, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Robert Mueller, satire, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Vatican Shitty

Vatican City (CNN)–At the most highly anticipated meeting on President Donald Trump’s first foreign odyssey, the ever-shifting pecking order of a tumultuous White House was on full display.

Not seen was one of Trump’s most visible hands: Sean Spicer, the embattled press secretary and Catholic who was eagerly anticipating the meeting with Pope Francis.

sean spicer little boy sad

(Yeah, it’s a real book!)

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Filed under Catholicism, humor, parody, politics, Pope, Republicans, satire, snark, Vatican, Wordpress Political Blogs