Tag Archives: National Security Council

Meet (everybody except) the Press

From The Boston Globe:

NEW YORK – Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin threw herself into a crash course in diplomacy at the United Nations yesterday, beginning her first of two days of meetings with foreign leaders, including Afghan president Hamid Karzai, Colombian president Álvaro Uribe, Pakistani president Ali Asif Zardari, and Iraqi president Jalal Talabani.

The meetings with Palin, who had never met a foreign head of state before and who traveled outside North America for the first time last year, were designed to bolster her foreign policy credentials and introduce her to close US allies with whom she would work if she became vice president.

But the carefully orchestrated visits also highlighted the degree to which John McCain’s presidential campaign will go to shield the first-term Alaska governor from the press. Until CNN threatened to withdraw its pool camera crew, Palin’s aides initially banned reporters, who are traditionally allowed to briefly view private diplomatic meetings that are being photographed, and are sometimes allowed to ask questions.

Original DVD cover.
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Filed under 2008 election, Afghanistan, Barack Obama, Chimpy, China, CNN, George W. Bush, humor, Iran, John McCain, Media, movies, Pakistan, parody, politics, Republicans, Russia, Sarah Palin, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Bandar and the Brits

From Newsweek:

A scathing British court ruling could create more legal problems for Prince Bandar, head of Saudi Arabia’s National Security Council and the former Saudi ambassador in Washington, over his alleged role in a massive multimillion-dollar bribery scheme involving a major British aerospace firm.


The Justice Department is investigating allegations that U.K.-based British Aerospace Systems (BAE) paid millions of dollars in bribes to Bandar and other Saudi officials—in possible violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Bandar, whose close ties to the Bush family earned him the nickname “Bandar Bush,” has retained former FBI Director Louis Freeh to represent him in connection with the Justice Department probe.


Last week the British High Court ruled that then-Prime Minister Tony Blair’s government may have interfered with the rule of law in December 2006, when it ordered the British government’s Serious Fraud Office to shut down its own bribery investigation, allegedly after Bandar threatened to cut off Saudi cooperation with U.K. terrorism investigations if the inquiry continued.

Original DVD cover.
Oh, kids, there is so much to this story, but I will leave it to you to read the whole thing for yourselves. In the meantime, we’ll sing!

To the tune of Bennie and the Jets
Music by Sir Elton John
Lyrics by Bernie Taupin
Performed by Sir Elton John

Hey kids, this might make you skittish,
Seems there’s somethin’ cookin’,
Between Bandar and the British,
We’re gonna check the news tonight,
So stick around,
You’re gonna hear about corruption,
Look what I have found…

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Filed under Britain, Condoleezza Rice, Corruption, FBI, George W. Bush, humor, Justice Department, movies, music parody, parody, politics, Queen Elizabeth, Scandals, snark, Tony Blair, Wordpress Political Blogs