Don’t Ask, Don’t Mattel

From ABC News:

ABC News’ Rick Klein Reports: The McCain-Palin campaign’s efforts to reach women is about to get a celebrity boost: Elisabeth Hasselbeck is set to join Gov. Sarah Palin on the campaign trail.

“The View” co-host said Thursday the McCain campaign contacted her a day earlier, to convey an invitation from Palin to introduce her at rallies Sunday in Florida.

I always thought that Elisabeth was Cindy Lou’s bestest buddy, but I guess she’s been handed down to Caribou Barbie. I guess Reality Show Barbie is now the official celebrity Cheerleader Sneerleader Barbie!

The move comes as the McCain-Palin campaign seeks to boost its support among female voters. Despite early suggestions that Palin’s selection would help attract women, as well as former supporters of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of both genders, polls suggest it hasn’t worked out that way.

Earlier this week, the ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll showed that 56 percent of women say the Palin pick makes them less confident in McCain’s judgment.

And Obama is now getting the support of 84 percent of former Clinton supporters, up from 72 percent in mid-June.

You’d think that the Captain Underpants-Caribou Barbie ticket would be doing much better with women, what with the daughters and the fab new wardrobe!

Original images here and here and here.

Kids, I am in computer/Photoshop Hell! 👿 This is not what I intended to post, but I lost what I was working on for tonight. Hopefully, Fomlpoma (my son–Fruit of My Loins, Pain of My Ass) will be able to fix what is wrong tonight. In the meantime, these images are part of a series I’ve been working on, so at least I had something to post. There are more Barbie pics to come!


Filed under 2008 election, Barack Obama, Guns, Hillary Clinton, humor, John McCain, NRA, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

20 responses to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Mattel

  1. W00T! Love the Hasslebitch one Nonnie.

    And Bullwinkle in the Barbie one is a great touch..your the master sista! 😉

  2. thanks, dusty! 😀
    i like taking a break from movie posters sometimes. i’m glad that i had these in the hopper so that i had something to post. fomlpoma went out and didn’t have a chance to look at the puter yet, so i’m glad i had these and a couple of others pretty much ready to go if i can’t use photoshop tonight.

  3. nightowl724

    Oh, nonnie…


    (Hope your puter gets well soon!)

  4. thanks nightowl,
    so far, not so good. i have to keep rebooting every half hour or so. soooooo annoying! 😡

  5. I liked Elizabeth much better when she came in fourth on the second season of Survivor. Back then, she came off as sweet; none of us had any idea she was such a wingnut. However, if it weren’t for that gritty effort, none of us would have ever heard of her, except as the wife of an NFL player. Honestly, can any of you think of an NFL player’s wife who is more famous than her husband besides Liz? I can’t.

  6. You have a son? Ruh Ro.
    Anyway, I just cannot stand Elisabeth Hasselhoff. I love how everyone else on The View can barely tolerate her dumb ass and now they’re starting to just tell her off whenever she opens her simpleton yap.

  7. where is Ken and Midge and doesnt she have some other rightwing nut job doll friends

  8. neon vincent,
    angie harmon comes to mind. she’s married to an nfl’er, or probably an ex-nfl’er by now.
    i only watched 2 episodes of survivor, neither with hasselhag. the only place i had seen her was on the style network hosting the look for less. it’s was a really stupid show, and she was especially nauseating.

  9. karen,
    i am waiting for the video of joy behar smacking the $hit out of hasselhag. if they put that on pay-per-view, i would get whiplash pulling the credit card out of my wallet at warp-speed.

  10. dcAp and karen,
    midge is actually the doll that got knocked up, and is represented by bristol. willow is skipper, and piper is stacey. i have a couple of pics ready for tonight, and i am hoping that photoshop works long enough for me to do a couple more. we shall see.

  11. Hey! Hasselbeck can be Palin’s running mate in 2012! Ar!!!!!!!!

  12. palin/hasselbeck 2012!

    let the vomiting commence!!!

  13. jeb

    NV, the reason she’s more famous than her NFL’er hubbie is because he stinks as a QB. Matter of fact, he’s not even playing anymore and when he was in uniform, he was riding the pine. His brother is the QB for Seattle and is a much better player.

    As for Elizabeth, go ahead, introduce the Princess as you keep sliding off into your well deserved obscurity.

  14. i wonder what hasselhag will talk about once the election is over. cindy lou and caribou barbie will be done with her. i don’t know why baba wawa ever thought having this vapid moronic bimbo on her show was a good idea.

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