Daily Archives: December 4, 2007

But He’s Still Not Gay…

Here we go again, kids!
From the Idaho Statesman (Hey, kids! They have audio interviews over there!):

David Phillips. Mike Jones. Greg Ruth. Tom Russell.

Four gay men, willing to put their names in print and whose allegations can’t be disproved, have come forward since news of U.S. Sen. Larry Craig’s guilty plea. They say they had sex with Craig or that he made a sexual advance or that he paid them unusual attention.

They are telling their stories now because they are offended by Craig’s denials, including his famous statement, “I am not gay, I never have been gay.” Those words, spoken on live national TV on Aug. 28, are now memorialized on a just-released-for-Christmas Talking Senator Larry Craig Action Figure.

Original DVD cover.
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Filed under Homophobia, Homosexuality, humor, Larry Craig, movies, Mr. Whipple, parody, politics, Republicans, Scandals, snark, Ted Haggard, Wordpress Political Blogs