Good Time Charlie

From the St. Petersburg Times:

ST. PETERSBURG — Something peculiar is going on with Charlie Crist.

He’s on the cusp of losing public office, his lifelong party is attacking him mercilessly, and some of his closest friends are yanking their support now that he’s running for Senate as a nonpartisan candidate instead of a Republican. And yet even by the relentlessly cheerful standards of Gov. Crist, he seems even more upbeat and relaxed than ever.

Original DVD cover

The decision to drop out of the Republican U.S. Senate primary was about political survival as much as anything, considering the polls showed him trailing Marco Rubio by more than 20 points. But Crist is now talking like a man liberated from the constraints of partisan orthodoxy.

What’s he think about President Barack Obama nominating Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court? “I think she’d do a great job,” said the candidate who last year opposed Justice Sonia Sotomayor when conservative activists were turning on him.

“Isn’t that fun?” he asked, when board members looked momentarily taken aback by his direct answer.

“Honesty is the best policy,” he said, adding later, “It’s easier (as an independent). I don’t have to sort of think about, ‘How’s that group going to react?’ ”

Crist, 53, acknowledged he may be a long shot to win the general election without the political infrastructure and institutional support that comes with being a party nominee. To manage his multimillion-dollar statewide campaign, he has brought on board his older sister, Margaret Wood of St. Petersburg, a former teacher.

“The odds are that, come September and October, it’s going to be real unpleasant for me because there are two enormous entities that don’t want me to win,” he said.

But he is also a powerful governor who can veto bills and easily command media coverage, and who is talking about calling two special legislative sessions — to ban drilling near Florida beaches and to enact anti-public corruption measures in Florida — that would keep him at the center of attention.


And what if he calls back the House and Senate, but they reject all of his proposals?

“I think they’ll get their due in November,” he said. “That’s the power of democracy. If you put forward something that’s a good, decent idea and they thumb their noses at it just because, I think there’s a consequence called an election.”

Crist spent weeks attacking Rubio’s character, but that was yesterday. Now he’s all about civility and sounded downright disgusted that so many party activists would be outraged about that famous picture of him embracing America’s president.


He noted how Republican Utah Sen. Bob Bennett just lost the GOP nomination at a state convention.

“There’s an anger and a frustration and kind of a fever pitch, and I don’t think anything he did would have made any difference, and I think the same would have been true of me,” Crist said. “The truth is there are different parts of the party, and I think the primary activists in my former party have become regrettably extreme. And I think the same is true of the Democratic party for that segment of the party.”

The Rubio campaign scoffed at Crist’s comments.


“If Charlie Crist felt so tortured as a Republican, then he should have no problem liberating himself entirely by returning Republicans’ campaign contributions[,” said campaign spokesman Alex Burgos.]


Crist was blunt about not honoring requests for refunds, which he said are few anyway: “I want it. I need it. I want to win.”


If the denunciations from longtime supporters and tough attacks coming from the party he grew up in are hurting, Crist isn’t showing it.

“You really learn who your friends are and who they aren’t,” he said. “It’s a little refreshing in that way.”

What about longtime friends like appointed U.S. Sen. George LeMieux and former U.S. Sen. Connie Mack, who pulled their support?

“I would not say that they’re not friends,” he responded after a pause. “I would say that maybe they could be a little kinder.”


Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, who abandoned his bid for the GOP Senate nomination last week in favor of running as an independent, said another independent — Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman — helped him come to his decision.

“[Lieberman] told me that [going independent] is the most liberating thing,” Crist told the National Review Online. “He was right. I’m much happier now, to be perfectly candid.”


Lieberman continues to caucus with the Democratic party and has held onto his important chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security Committee under their leadership. Crist, by comparison, told NRO he will “caucus with anyone who helps Florida. There will be different issues on different days and I will stand with anybody who will help my state.” He still, however, calls himself a fiscal conservative.

Like other Republicans from Florida, he is taking a harsher stance than most other Republicans against Arizona’s new, controversial immigration law.

“What Arizona did is wrong,” Crist said. “I’m the grandson of a Greek immigrant. The notion that you pull over ‘suspect’ people and demand their papers is not American. That’s strange. That’s not what America is supposed to be about.”

And while most Republicans in Washington have yet to speak out about offshore drilling in the wake of the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Crist said plainly, “We can’t drill,” the NRO reports.


Filed under Barack Obama, Corruption, Democrats, Florida, humor, Joe Lieberman, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Senate, snark, Supreme Court, Wordpress Political Blogs

17 responses to “Good Time Charlie

  1. Hello Nonnie:
    As fotc might say, first.

    I prefer the new Charlie to Joe, any day.
    Charlie appears to be genuinely liberated by running as an independent, while Joe, when he went independent, stayed the same slithering slimy repulsive toad that he ever was (and so shall he remain for always) 🙂 🙂 😀

    • look who’s here!!!! it’s mighty mikk0mouse!!! 😀

      i prefer the new charlie, too, except that he just admitted he’s been lying for years. of course, that’s no surprise. i’m waiting to see what he says about repealing dadt and same-sex marriage. i don’t expect him to admit that he’s gay, but it would be nice if he stopped being such a hypocrite.

      now i have to go do a happy dance, because there’s no emoticon for that, and i’m so happy mighty mikkomouse commented! 😀

  2. writechic

    “I would not say that they’re not friends,” he responded after a pause. “I would say that maybe they could be a little kinder.”

    Lovely. Jane Austen could have written it. And I like Crist much better than Lieberman.

    • since charlie was the one who appointed george casper milquetoast lemieux, george could have been a bit more diplomatic. however, he has designs on bill nelson’s seat in 2012. it’s my prediction that he’ll have to fight mike chuckleberry in the rethug primary.

      • writechic

        Btw, nice touch with the lightning bolts from the eyes. 🙂

        • so glad you noticed. i originally had rubio in the movie logo. then i switched it to my standard gop logo (like the one here, but without the cross), but i figured it no longer made sense. that’s when i thought i’d make an ex-gop logo. i changed the elephants eyes to angry ones, but he didn’t look quite pissed off enough 😡 , so i added the lightning. i love making movie logos, if you hadn’t noticed. 😀

  3. For once, Crist doesn’t look like an idiot. Now that he’s left the GOP, things are looking up for him.

  4. Can’t believe it. A Peter Sellers film I haven’t seen! Should have Charlie looking at a gladiator mag. A HuffPo triple pic yesterday showed all the candidates and his pic was that glowing orange again. Gee, sure hope those Lemieux remarks don’t give him the vapors!

    • writechic

      🙂 Vapors! I love those. (I guess pharmaceuticals made ’em a thing of the past.)

    • i have to take so much red and yellow out of pix of charlie (boohoo boehner) before i use them, just so my eyes don’t get lightburn like drunk ol’ senator bond…kit bon-zzz-zzz-zz…..

  5. Well that’s refreshing…. glad he can take stand and show some backbone.

    The GOP is walking in lockstep– backwards!

    As for the GOP & speaking about oil, you might guess which GOP’er would flap their yap first….

    Caribou Jerky!

    Yes, Sarah Palin has taken a public stand– (no duh) in favor of offshore drilling- and the reasons are……..

    • We don’t want to be dependent on foreign oil

    And- she actually said this with a straight face–

    • The U.S, has the most stringent regulations, so drilling is safer here.

    Leave it to Palin!
    The only thing missing from that media comment was the backdrop of the burning inferno of the Deepwater oil rig engulfed in flames, belching thick black smoke & spewing oil in the background.

    • if someone asked charlie what he thought about princess sarah, and he said that she’s a moron who should just shut up, i would vote for him.

  6. charlie does look a bit liberated – but i still dont trust him. i know he has to keep his mouth shut until Nov so he still pick up some of the those GOP straddlers (the ones that shit on one side and syphyllis on the other)..

    but compared to Rubio – Crist is a godsend

    • do you really trust any of them? i’m hoping that charlie’s liberation will allow his better nature to come out (no pun intended), and he’ll start doing things for the people instead of his own political ambition. in this case, doing things for people will help his political ambition. if only more politicians would realize that.

  7. Good page… Informative…