Daily Archives: January 6, 2011

Make Room for Randy!

From The Houston Chronicle:
WASHINGTON — For much of his 21 years in Congress, Rep. Ron Paul has been a party of one.

The Lake Jackson Republican’s libertarian sensibilities make him a cult figure to some and a painful thorn in the side to others, including members of his own party. In retaliation for prizing ideology over party, he often was passed over by the GOP hierarchy for plum posts.

Next year, however, looks different for the Paul family.

Rand Paul, one of five children of Ron and Carol Paul, will share his father’s Virginia condominium — after winning an election of his own. In addition to a change of clothing, he will bring a tea party agenda of deficit reduction and limited government that is remarkably similar to the ideas that Ron Paul has been espousing for decades.

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Filed under Congress, humor, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan, Senate, snark, Texas, Wordpress Political Blogs