Hogwash out of Oshkosh

From David Boddinger at SPLINTER:

Chuck Todd, the normally insufferable host of NBC News’ Meet the Press, has appeared increasingly uncomfortable over the past few days with the talking heads who appear on his show to repeat GOP talking points about Donald Trump.


But something happened on Sunday to trigger Todd, and that something was Republican Sen. Ron Johnson from Wisconsin, which rhymes. Johnson appeared on NBC acting like a combative, right-wing lunatic, and spewing pro-Trump conspiracy theories that sounded like they came straight from Fox News, Breitbart, or even InfoWars.

oshkosh b'gosh ron johnson

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Johnson recently became a central witness in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, after The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that a U.S. diplomat told him in August that Trump’s withholding of military aid to Ukraine was contingent on that country’s investigations of Trump’s political rivals and the source of 2016 U.S. election hacking.

Johnson has always staunchly defended Trump, so his acknowledgment of this quid pro quo was a big deal.


Johnson said he asked Trump about this during a phone call, and Trump strongly denied it.


Fast-forward to Sunday morning, and any hopes of Johnson seeing the light on Trump’s impeachment were dashed, as he went into full conspiracy theory mode on Todd’s show.

“Chuck, I just want the truth. The American people want the truth,” Johnson said, after slinging a smorgasbord of Fox talking points and conspiracies about Hillary Clinton, the FBI, former intelligence officers, and other nonsense.

Todd actually lost his cool to this, which was something to see, because it’s usually the viewers who react this way after sitting through one of his shows.

“Do you not trust the FBI? You don’t trust the CIA? I’m just very confused here,” Todd shouted. He prompted Johnson, who is chairman of the Senate’s Homeland Security committee, to admit that he doesn’t trust the nation’s intelligence agencies. Yikes.

In response, Johnson called Todd so “incredibly biased” that the senator “would never be able to get the truth out.” That type of tin-foil hogwash may go over well in Oshkosh, but it didn’t work on Meet the Press, at least not today, because Todd was in a bad mood.

Click on the SPLINTER link above to watch the interview.


Filed under Advertising, CIA, FBI, Fox News, Hillary Clinton, humor, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

10 responses to “Hogwash out of Oshkosh

  1. El trumpo supporters have no compunction and I keep wondering how in the world can these folks believe Trump is innocent and that he is being conspired against and yada, yada, etc. I suppose it boils down to either brain
    washed or else they fear the loss of the people that voted them into office.

    I am so glad that Chuck Todd got angry with Johnson from Wisconsin I also wonder how folks like Johnson sleep at night.

  2. They don’t believe he’s innocent. They know damned well he’s guilty, but they don’t care.

  3. therub

    it’s amazing how much it takes for people to get angry. our collective heads should have exploded the day the access hollywood tapes came out and twittler rode down his golden escalator. if we had demanded high standards when twittler entered the race then we could have saved ourselves three years of angst.

    • A lot of people are too busy working their third jobs to keep up with politics. One of the problems, of course, was that the media didn’t sound the alarms early on. Instead, they were loving the reality show D.C. had turned into and only paid attention to moronic talking heads that Twitler sent out instead of the serious people who were worried about what was going on. It took the constant bashing of the media for them to wake up and realize that their asses were on the line, too. Nice to see them wake up and do their jobs,

  4. E.A. Blair

    My name is Ron Johnson
    I come from Wisconsin
    I am a senator there.
    The fat cats I meet
    As I walk down K Street
    Ask me my name and I say,
    “My name is Ron Johnson
    I come from Wisconsin…”

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