Category Archives: CIA

Hogwash out of Oshkosh

From David Boddinger at SPLINTER:

Chuck Todd, the normally insufferable host of NBC News’ Meet the Press, has appeared increasingly uncomfortable over the past few days with the talking heads who appear on his show to repeat GOP talking points about Donald Trump.


But something happened on Sunday to trigger Todd, and that something was Republican Sen. Ron Johnson from Wisconsin, which rhymes. Johnson appeared on NBC acting like a combative, right-wing lunatic, and spewing pro-Trump conspiracy theories that sounded like they came straight from Fox News, Breitbart, or even InfoWars.

oshkosh b'gosh ron johnson

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Filed under Advertising, CIA, FBI, Fox News, Hillary Clinton, humor, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Banana Republicans


Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) compared President Trump‘s consideration of a plan to strip half a dozen former national security and intelligence officials of their security clearances to “a banana republic kind of thing.”

chiquita banana

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Filed under Advertising, Attorney General, Barack Obama, CIA, Democrats, FBI, General Michael Hayden, Hillary Clinton, humor, James Comey, Michael Hayden, music parody, parody, politics, Republicans, Russia, satire, snark, Vladimir Putin, Wordpress Political Blogs

That HelSinking Feeling

HELSINKI (Reuters) – Standing side-by-side with Vladimir Putin, U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday refused to blame the Russian leader for meddling in the U.S. 2016 election, casting doubt on the findings of his own intelligence agencies and sparking a storm of criticism at home.

trump putin america first

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Filed under Charles Schumer, CIA, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, humor, Lindsey Graham, Nancy Pelosi, NATO, parody, politics, Republicans, Russia, satire, snark, Vladimir Putin, Wordpress Political Blogs

A Barrel of Gaffes

From the Sun Sentinel:

On her fourth day at the center of a struggle with President Donald Trump and his chief of staff, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson said Friday she has no regrets about anything she’s done or said this week — and said she’s amazed at what’s transpired.

Wilson received major vindication Friday with video showing White House Chief of Staff John Kelly was completely wrong about claims he made about the South Florida congresswoman.

al murray the pub landlord

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Filed under Barack Obama, CIA, Democrats, FBI, humor, James Comey, John Boehner, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs

Toady Foster


On Monday, Trump convened his first full Cabinet meeting since taking office, gathering the heads of every major government agency for a press gaggle around the elliptical mahogany table that occupies a prominent place in the West Wing. Traditionally, the media is present only at the beginning of such meetings, during which the president makes a brief statement and a few photos are snapped before a review of the administration’s progress continues behind closed doors. Trump tried something a little different.


(Click on image for larger view)

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Filed under Betsy DeVos, CIA, Defense Department, Health and Human Services Department, Homeland Security, humor, Interior Department, Justice Department, Mitch McConnell, Office of Management and Budget, parody, politics, satire, snark, Sonny Perdue, State Department, television, United Nations, Wordpress Political Blogs

Witless List

From Aol NEWS:

The House Intelligence Committee has reportedly agreed on a witness list for its investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election that includes somewhere between 36 and 48 people, CNN reported Wednesday night.

Included on the list are current and former associates of President Donald Trump believed to have been in contact with Russian officials during the campaign or transition period, including Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner; Trump confidante Roger Stone; former national security adviser, Michael Flynn; and early Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, according to CNN’s Anderson Cooper.


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Filed under Adam Schiff, CIA, Democrats, FBI, Hillary Clinton, House Intelligence Committee, humor, James Comey, movies, National Security Agency, NSA, parody, politics, Republicans, Russia, satire, snark, Vladimir Putin, Wordpress Political Blogs

Book ’em, Danno!

Hey, kids,it seems that these days, everyone is getting a book deal.   I thought we’d take a look back at some books of the recent past.  There’s been a lot of talk lately about WikiLeaks, but where was all the Rethuglican hanky-wringing when Scooter Libby outed Valerie Plame, a covert CIA agent? They want to string up Julian Assange, but they seemed to be just fine when Chimpy commuted Scooterpie’s sentence, because Scootie has “suffered enough“…
spykidsOriginal book cover
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Filed under Barack Obama, Books, Chimpy, CIA, George W. Bush, humor, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, Scooter Libby, snark, Valerie Plame, Wordpress Political Blogs


From The New York Times (August 17th):

WASHINGTON — Erik Prince, whose company, Blackwater Worldwide, is for sale and whose former top managers are facing criminal charges, has left the United States and moved to Abu Dhabi, according to court documents.

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Filed under Afghanistan, Baghdad, Blackwater, CIA, Congress, Defense Department, Erik Prince, humor, Iraq War, Justice Department, movies, parody, politics, snark, State Department, Sudan, Wordpress Political Blogs