Tag Archives: prostitution

Squawk Show Host



Dr. Laura Schlessinger has never been one to shrink from controversy, and she leaped headlong into one on Monday when she said that if a husband cheats, his wife may share some of the blame.

Original DVD cover.
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Filed under humor, movies, parody, politics, radio, Scandals, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs

Love Commotion #9

From Times Onlne:

A call-girl has been ordered to testify about her tryst with Eliot Spitzer, the disgraced New York Governor, as prosecutors investigate whether he used campaign funds for his meetings with prostitutes.

Ashley Alexandra Dupre , also known as Ashley Youmans, has received a subpoena to appear behind closed doors before an investigating grand jury hearing the case against the Emperors Club VIP prostitution ring, her lawyer said in court this week.

Original DVD cover.
(Scroll down for another movie poster and an offensive song! 😀 )
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Filed under FBI, humor, Justice Department, movies, music parody, parody, politics, Scandals, snark, Wiretaps, Wordpress Political Blogs