He’s leaving to spend more time with his phony medals

From the Minneapolis StarTribune:

MILWAUKEE — The tough-talking sheriff of Milwaukee County, David Clarke, resigned without explanation Thursday, capping a tumultuous year for the divisive, provocative lawman whose unabashed support for President Donald Trump and in-your-face personality earned him a national following among some conservatives.

blazing saddles

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(Don’t squint, my darling Raisinettes, click on image for larger version)

Clarke submitted his resignation in a one-sentence letter to the county clerk that gave no reason for his departure more than a year before his term is up. In a brief statement a couple of hours later, Clarke also didn’t explain.

“I have chosen to retire to pursue other opportunities,” the statement said. “I will have news about my next steps in the very near future.”

The national spotlight shone on Clarke during the Republican National Convention last year, when the cowboy-hat-wearing sheriff took the stage as one of the few African-Americans to speak in support of Trump’s candidacy.

But while Clarke gained the admiration of conservative backers of Trump, he faced lawsuits back home and criticism over the operations at the county jail he oversaw, where four inmates died last year. One of the inmates died of dehydration because jail staff shut off water to his cell as punishment.

Clarke’s many liberal foes welcomed his departure.


Voces de la Frontera, an advocacy group for immigrants and low-wage workers, had sharply criticized Clarke for seeking authority for his deputies to perform the functions of immigration agents.


The firebrand sheriff made himself a darling of the political right through his brash social media presence, his staunch support for Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration and his support for patrolling Muslim neighborhoods.

He has been vocal about gun rights and critical of what he called the “hateful ideology” of the Black Lives Matters movement, saying at times, “Stop trying to fix the police. Fix the ghetto.”

Clarke announced in May that he had taken a job at the Department of Homeland Security, but the agency never confirmed it. He later said he withdrew his name. He recently published a memoir, “Cop Under Fire.” On Sunday, Trump sent a tweet promoting the book.


But while he remained popular with some, he faced repeated calls for his resignation from state and local officials who criticized him for spending too much time away from Milwaukee, earning more than $105,000 last year in speaking fees — almost as much as his sheriff’s salary — at more than three dozen events across the country. He was also a frequent guest on Fox News programs.

This year, two former inmates who were pregnant during their time at the sheriff’s jail filed lawsuits alleging they were shackled while giving birth. And the family of the man who died of dehydration, Terrill Thomas, also filed federal lawsuits.

At the same time, Milwaukee prosecutors are considering criminal charges against some members of Clarke’s jail staff for Thomas’ death. A lengthy inquest in that case revealed that Clarke’s staff routinely shut off water to inmates’ cells as a form of punishment.


Republican Gov. Scott Walker would be responsible for appointing someone to serve the remainder of Clarke’s term, which runs through 2018. Walker’s spokesman Tom Evenson said once he receives official notification of his resignation, the process of finding a replacement will begin.


Filed under Fox News, Homeland Security, humor, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, satire, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

9 responses to “He’s leaving to spend more time with his phony medals

  1. Sherry Shirk

    As always, up to the minute brilliance. ((((((((nonnie)))))))))

    • More like last minute, Sherry. ❤ I was going to do a totally different poster on a totally different subject, but when I saw that the Sheriff of Nuttyham had quit, it inspired me.

  2. Former high sheriff whats his name might be going to work for Model. T. Now wouldn’t that be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Just kidding but heck it could be a possibility because T likes all the sheriffs that break the law. They are alike- breaking and making their own laws.

  3. Now that’s a small hand! And a pricey hat (he’s never going to live those $40 hats down). I assume Covfefe Productions is the new name for Greasy Oily Films now that Bannon is gone?

    I have chosen to retire to pursue other opportunities

    Rummaging through Crackerjack boxes for more medals, most likely. Although I guess some of those are real, like the Order of Dehydration, First Class.

    I don’t know if he’ll go to work for Trump, but he sounds like another pardon candidate.

    • I almost forgot to shrink the hand. At that point, I was done with the rest of the poster, and I wondered if anyone would even notice the hand. Then I thought that Infidel might stop by, and he notices everything, so it will be worth the extra time and effort. 😆

      Clarke is despicable, so it’s amazing that he is only the second worst now ex-sheriff in the country. I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes to work for Twitler. Of course, it would have to be in a job that doesn’t require a confirmation hearing, because, even with the Rethugs in power, I don’t think he would survive one, much as 4 people, including a newborn baby, didn’t survive his tenure as sheriff. Fucker.