Daily Archives: September 29, 2017

He can throw his white hood in the air!

To the tune of Love is All Around, Lyrics by Sonny Curtis (Theme from The Mary Tyler Moore Show:

Who can turn the right on with his bile?
Who can take a sunny day, and turn it into a big stinking pile?
Well, it’s you, Roy, and you should know it,
With each slur and with that tiny pistol, you show it.

They’ll slap you on the back and get all tribal,
So spread your hate around, and thump your bible.
It’s Alabama after all,
It’s Alabama after all. ♪

mary tyler moore show

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Filed under 9/11, Chuck Grassley, Homophobia, Homosexuality, humor, Mitch McConnell, music parody, parody, Republicans, satire, Senate, snark, Susan Collins, television