Tag Archives: ethanol

Name That Toomey


Sen. Pat Toomey voted against the debt-limit compromise last week, partly because he didn’t think the budget-balancing recommendations of the bipartisan committee it created would stick.

A week later, Toomey finds himself serving on the committee he voted against.

The Pennsylvanian was one of six Republican members appointed Wednesday to Congress’ new 12-member “supercommittee.”

supermarioOriginal movie poster

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Filed under Chimpy, Congress, Democrats, George W. Bush, Harry Reid, humor, John Boehner, John Kerry, Jon Kyl, Mitch McConnell, movies, Nancy Pelosi, parody, politics, Republicans, Senate, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

I Pledge a Grievance to the Flag and the United States of America


Congressional leaders have until Aug. 16 to name the 12 members of the newly created “supercommittee” to deal with reducing the deficit, but special interest groups are wasting no time in pushing their choices for the panel.

The debt-ceiling-increase legislation enacted Tuesday created a bicameral, joint committee of 12 legislators charged with finding at least $1.2 trillion in deficit cuts by Nov. 23.


Failure to come up with a plan will result in deep automatic defense and Medicare cuts.

One wrong pick, lobbyists on the right and left said Wednesday, could swing the panel toward a terrible compromise. So they are not taking chances.

These sources are already urging leaders to pick top lieutenants who will stick to party positions — no entitlement cuts for Democrats and no tax increases for Republicans.

nationallampoonspledgethis1Original DVD cover
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Filed under Congress, Democrats, humor, Joe Biden, John Boehner, Mike Crapo, Mitch McConnell, movies, Nancy Pelosi, Orrin Hatch, parody, politics, Republicans, Senate, snark, Tom Coburn, Wordpress Political Blogs