Tag Archives: National Tea Party Convention



While visiting Chicago to support Mark Kirk, John McCain took a moment to defend Sarah Palin’s widely mocked crib notes, written on her hand during the Tea Party Convention last weekend.

“Which is more egregious,” he asked, as if the answer were obvious, “reading from a word on your hand or a teleprompter?”

McCain continued: “I continue to be entertained now by the continuous [hysterical] attacks on Sarah Palin, who [is] very, very popular with a significant segment of the American people.”

Translation: Holy crap, I might lose my Senate seat to J. D. Frickin’ Hayworth, so I have to be nice to this backstabbing bitch so the Teabaggers don’t keep going all nuclear on my ass! I gotta blame someone–I’ve got it đź’ˇ –that damned liberal media! So what if I had them in my pocket (and at my barbecues) for so many years and still show up on every frickin’ Sunday news show? The Teabaggers love to hate the media!

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Filed under 2008 election, Fox News, humor, Joe Scarborough, John McCain, Media, MSNBC, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, Senate, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs

Sarah Palin, Palm Reader

(ChattahBox)—-[…] After Sarah Palin’s keynote speech last night at the Tea Party Convention, she sat down with the event organizer Judson Phillips for a brief question and answer session. The questions were apparently pre-screened and Palin’s team of handlers had presumably prepped her on the right-wing talking point answers. But the half-term governor of Alaska still needed to look at the crib notes she scribbled on her left hand, to answer basic questions.

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Filed under Barack Obama, humor, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs

It’s My Party, and I’ll Bail If I Want To

From The Caucus at The New York Times:

Even before the Tea Party’s $549-a-head convention next week, some of the movement’s biggest champions are partied out.

Representatives Michele Bachmann, Republican of Minnesota, and Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, two Tea Party heroines, have canceled their appearances at the National Tea Party Convention, which begins next Thursday in Nashville, Tenn.

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Filed under humor, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs