Daily Archives: February 12, 2010

It May Be Cold, But They Need a Chill Pill


With the nation’s capital buried in several feet of snow and the federal government brought to a halt by Mother Nature, conservatives are mocking former Vice President Al Gore and his crusade to curb global climate change.

The vocal doubters of global warming frequently use any unseasonal snowfall or cold spell to mock Gore, despite the fact that climate scientists study long-term trends and give little weight to one-time occurrences or random meteorological events.

But the historic snowfall in Washington — coinciding with a push from Democrats to enact legislation capping carbon emissions — has left conservatives crowing that fears of environmental catastrophe make no sense.

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Filed under Al Gore, Barack Obama, Democrats, Fox News, Glenn Beck, Global warming, humor, James Inhofe, Mitch McConnell, movies, Newt Gingrich, parody, politics, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs