Daily Archives: February 13, 2010

Broder, Can You Spare a Slime?

From Jamison Foster at MEDIA MATTERS:

David Broder does not like politicians who lie.  I know this because he said so himself, in an infamous 1998 Sally Quinn article about why the Washington Establishment was so angry at Bill Clinton for lying about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky:

“The judgment is harsher in Washington,” says The Post’s Broder. “We don’t like being lied to.”

That suggestion — that Washington, DC’s elite residents take greater offense at being lied to than the simpletons outside the nation’s capital — is the kind of thing that would draw heaping piles of scorn from the political media had it come from a liberal Democrat.  But it came from David Broder, beloved “dean” of the Washington Press corps, and so nobody said much of anything about his preening moral superiority.

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Filed under 2008 election, Alaska, Bill Clinton, Chimpy, Constitution, David Broder, Democrats, George W. Bush, humor, Iraq War, John McCain, Media, Media Matters, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, Scandals, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs