Daily Archives: February 1, 2010

I Thought He’s From South Carolina

Kids, did any of you watch the Miss America Pageant? Me neither. However, I saw this in The Boston Globe, and frankly I was shocked, shocked I tell ya!

LAS VEGAS—Organizers say Miss Oklahoma Taylor Treat has won a $6,000 scholarship at the Miss America Pageant for her volunteering and community service.


Miss New Hampshire Lindsey Graham was first runner-up for the award and won $4,000.

(emphasis mine)

Of course, I had to do some digging. Is it kosher for a senator who says he represents South Carolina to represent a New England state in the pageant? And how did Lindseypoo do in the pageant? I had no luck researching the first question, but I did find some screencaps of Lindseypoo in all his finery. Here he is in the evening gown portion of the competition.

As you can see, John Boohoo Boehner lent Lindseypoo some self-tanner, and Carrie Prejean let him wear her lucky hubcaps earrings.
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Filed under humor, John Boehner, Lindsey Graham, New Hampshire, parody, politics, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, snark, South Carolina, Tom Delay, Wordpress Political Blogs