Tag Archives: Disney

It’s time to play the music! It’s time to light the lights! It’s time to meet the Commies on the Muppet Show tonight!


After multiple viewings of the now-infamous Fox Business Network’s take on the new “Muppets” movie, I can come to only one conclusion.

Bonkers. They’re bonkers.

In a segment on “Follow the Money,” FBN’s Eric Bolling paired up with Dan Gainor of the right-wing Media Research Center to deliver a report that seemed straight out of “Saturday Night Live.”

“Liberal Hollywood depicting a businessman as evil, that’s not new,” said Bolling. “Dan, let’s point this out, this oil muppet, evil man that he is, is called Tex Richman.”

Gainor: “Yeah, it’s amazing how far the left will go just to stoop, to manipulate your kids, to convince them, to give [them] an anti-corporate message, I mean . . .”

Bolling: “I’ll put it out there. Is liberal Hollywood using class warfare to kind of brainwash our kids?”

Bolling asked that with a straight face. And he wasn’t even wearing a tinfoil hat.

rupert murdoch, kermit the frog, joe mccarthy, hammer and sickle, fox news movie bannerOriginal DVD cover

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Filed under Fox News, humor, Media, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

A Fairy Tale

From The New York Times:

“THE Princess and the Frog” does not open nationwide until December, but the buzz is already breathless: For the first time in Walt Disney animation history, the fairest of them all is black.

Princess Tiana, a hand-drawn throwback to classic Disney characters like Cinderella and Snow White, has a dazzling green gown, a classy upsweep hairdo and a diamond tiara.


(Image from Walt Disney Pictures, larger version at link above)

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Filed under Chuck Grassley, humor, Joe Lieberman, John Cornyn, John McCain, Jon Kyl, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, movies, Orrin Hatch, parody, politics, Racism, Republicans, snark, Supreme Court, Tom Coburn, Wordpress Political Blogs

When Good Toons Go Bad

Kids, I hope you are sitting down, because this is shocking news, via the Associated Press:

Tweety, Donald Duck Summoned to Court
ROME (AP) — Tweety may get a chance to take the witness stand and sing like a canary. An Italian court ordered the animated bird, along with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and his girlfriend Daisy, to testify in a counterfeiting case.

What is this world coming to? Is the Disney Corporation so cheap that its employees have to counterfeit money in order to survive? Do cartoon characters like Italian food? Who else is involved? Why is Chris Tweety Matthews hanging out with Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and Daisy? So many questions. So few answers. So much tragedy.

Original DVD cover.
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Filed under Hardball, movies, MSNBC, parody, snark