Tag Archives: Daffy Duck

Oh Deer!


The governor’s annual deer-and-publicity-hunting excursion over the weekend seems to have turned into a bit of a PR nightmare.

Shhhh! Be vewwy, vewwy quiet! Here’s a pic of Governor Timmy heading out for the hunt.
Original image
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Filed under Dick Cheney, humor, Iowa, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

#1 on the Worst-Smelling List

From The New York Times:

In the summer of 2004 the conservative gadfly Jerome R. Corsi shot to the top of the best-seller lists as co-author of “Unfit for Command,” the book attacking Senator John Kerry’s record on a Vietnam War Swift boat that began the larger damaging campaign against Mr. Kerry’s war credentials as he sought the presidency.

Almost exactly four years after that campaign began, Mr. Corsi has released a new attack book painting Senator Barack Obama, the Democrats’ presumed presidential nominee, as a stealth radical liberal who has tried to cover up “extensive connections to Islam” — Mr. Obama is Christian — and questioning whether his admitted experimentation with drugs in high school and college ever ceased.

Significant parts of the book, whose subtitle is “Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality,” have already been challenged as misleading or false in the days since its debut on Aug. 1. Nonetheless, it is to make its first appearance on The New York Times best-seller list for nonfiction hardcovers this Sunday — at No. 1.

Original DVD cover.

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Filed under 2008 election, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Catholicism, Chimpy, Christianity, Comic books, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Homophobia, Homosexuality, humor, Islam, John Kerry, John McCain, Karl Rove, movies, Muslims, parody, politics, Pope, religion, Republicans, snark, Vietnam, Wordpress Political Blogs

When Good Toons Go Bad

Kids, I hope you are sitting down, because this is shocking news, via the Associated Press:

Tweety, Donald Duck Summoned to Court
ROME (AP) — Tweety may get a chance to take the witness stand and sing like a canary. An Italian court ordered the animated bird, along with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and his girlfriend Daisy, to testify in a counterfeiting case.

What is this world coming to? Is the Disney Corporation so cheap that its employees have to counterfeit money in order to survive? Do cartoon characters like Italian food? Who else is involved? Why is Chris Tweety Matthews hanging out with Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and Daisy? So many questions. So few answers. So much tragedy.

Original DVD cover.
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Filed under Hardball, movies, MSNBC, parody, snark