Daily Archives: September 6, 2010

Unreality TV


Things keep getting interesting behind the scenes on ”Dancing With the Stars.” A show insider says, ”Move over, Michael Bolton! Bristol Palin is now out-diva-ing you!”

The source said the daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has become a constant pain in the rear for “DWTS” staffers. ”Clearly she didn’t read the fine print on her contract — and that’s just a figure of speech. There’s nothing hidden in the contracts,” said the ”Dancing” source.

”Otherwise, Bristol wouldn’t be complaining about all the things contestants are required to do.”

Bristol and Mike The Situation Sorrentino, like their predecessor on DWTS, Kate Gosselin (whose only achievement to date seems to be squeezing out 8 kids), are now considered stars. Captain Underpants is flirting with Snooki on Twitter. Combine that with the news now becoming nothing but entertainment and the race for ratings, would this be inconceivable in the near future?
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Filed under CNN, humor, John McCain, Media, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs