Tag Archives: David Barton

American Huckstery

From AlterNet:

Mike Huckabee […] has started a project, “Learn Our History,” where on a monthly basis–sort of like BMG or Columbia House music–Huckabee’s organization will send subscribers Time Travel Academy, an animated children’s cartoon featuring a group of intrepid time travelers who teach lessons about U.S. history “without a political bias.”

If judged by its artistic qualities, the cartoon is so poorly done as to be a pitiable joke. Its main characters are a contrived group of multicultural “tweens.” The history is predictable: Ronald Reagan is America’s savior, America is a Judeo-Christian country preordained by God to be exceptional, and flag-waving jingoistic nationalism is a virtue and never a sin. The guiding principle of this right-wing approved version of U.S. history is simple: “What we see and hear isn’t always the same as what we read in books, or see on TV. We know the truth. And that’s good enough for us.”

Original DVD cover
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Filed under Barack Obama, Christianity, Constitution, David Horowitz, Democrats, Fox News, Glenn Beck, humor, Media, Mike Huckabee, movies, Newt Gingrich, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, Ronald Reagan, snark, Texas, Wordpress Political Blogs

Glenn Beck University, Where Every Degree Is A BS Degree!


Conservative Fox News television host, author, and radio host Glenn Beck has started a university.

Sort of.

According to an announcement on Beck’s Web site, “Beck University is a unique academic experience bringing together experts in the fields of religion, American history and economics.” In July, August and September, interested parties can participate in “captivating lectures and interactive online discussions” in which “experts will explore the concepts of Faith, Hope and Charity and show you how they influence America’s past, her present and most importantly her future.”

Original DVD cover
(Click on image and then on that image for a larger version)

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Filed under Arlen Specter, Fox News, Glenn Beck, humor, Joe Lieberman, Media, movies, parody, politics, religion, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs