I’ve Got the FDA Botulism Blues

From Moneyweb/Wall Street Journal:

Canned meat recall is expanded
WASHINGTON — Federal regulators, citing an unusually high risk of potentially fatal botulism contamination, are warning consumers about certain canned human food and dog food. A Georgia company is recalling more than 720,000 pounds of products.

The products, by Bumble Bee Foods, LLC’s Castleberry’s Food Co. in Augusta, Ga., include Hot Dog Chili Sauce for humans and Irish Stew with Beef for dogs

Original DVD cover.

More from the article:

Botulism, caused by a nerve toxin, is a rare but serious illness. Symptoms, usually occurring within 36 hours, include double or blurred vision, slurred speech and muscle weakness. The illness can cause paralysis, respiratory failure and death.


The recall came as the Bush Administration is already under fire over the seemingly endless string of food scares involving both domestic and imported food. Last week, congressional investigators told the House Energy and Commerce Committee that the FDA has only very limited ability to inspect and protect the nation’s food supply.

At first, I thought, “Yet another Chimpy screw-up!” Then I realized that is it the polar opposite! Those clever bastards at the FDA!! They know that too many Americans are obese, and they are making sure that we all slim down. I know I have lost my appetite. Well done, FDA!!


Filed under Botulism, Chimpy, FDA, George W. Bush, House Energy and Commerce Committee, humor, movies, parody, politics, snark

7 responses to “I’ve Got the FDA Botulism Blues

  1. nightowl724

    Well, a good freaking morning to you, too! You and your bad news that is…

    I hadn’t read about this before. We eat a lot of tuna around here, but my son has refused to close his lips around the Bumble Bee brand for years, so there’s none on my shelf.

    The situation is grim, but your take on it is hysterical, as usual. The dead bee did ME in!

    I have the impression that this set of spoofs was deceivingly difficult.

    Thanks for the “yuks!”

  2. nonnie9999

    here is where you can find the list of recalled items:
    what really gets me is that i went to bumble bee’s site:
    and not a mention of any recalls. i have never heard of castleberry’s before, but i think just about everyone has heard of bumble bee. i would think that that would be the name that people would go to for info, as it is easier to remember. i can’t understand why the fda doesn’t force them to put it on their website as well.
    and, yes, this one was a major pain in the ass to do, and i still am not satisfied with it, but the show must go on.

  3. nightowl724

    That’s good information. My local supermarket actually does carry Castleberry’s, but we don’t like canned stew either (or canned chicken and dumplings, which they also make), so…

    Hey, maybe it’s a good thing we’re so picky!

    You are SO right. Companies should be forced to post recall information front and center on their home pages.

    I think you did a very good job. I figured that the squiggly, psychedelic lettering was probably a major challenge.

  4. With all the recalls, the administration last week closes or was that announced the closing anyway, 7 of the inspection plants. Good work Bush

    I think Bush is trying to kill everyone so he can start his country over with all loyalist.

  5. nonnie9999

    i wonder how much money the food industry contributed to the chimpy campaign, as well as any rethug campaigns who promised to look the other way when they made people sick or die. as with all things, the bottom line is money, money, money.

  6. It’s always all about the Benjamin’s with Bush.

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