Daily Archives: July 25, 2007

Gangs are Roaming the Halls of Congress!!!!!!

Just when you think that things are bad in D.C., we find out it’s worse than we thought!! Attorney General Alberto Gonzales testified today before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Well, I use the word testified loosely, as he mostly obfuscated and tried to dodge the questions. One area that the senators delved into was the Gonzales/Andrew Card visit to former Attorney General John “Make-the-Eagle-Sore” Ashcroft when he was post-operative and sedated in intensive care. Al Fredo finally cleared up any confusion by explaining that he, then Chimpy’s George W. Bush’s White House counsel, and Card had cooked up a big pot of chicken soup for Ashcroft and wanted to deliver it to him before it got cold. Oh, that and to have the loopy-on-meds Ashcroft sign off on an illegal warrantless wiretapping program. I’ll let The Arizona Republic tell you about it:

In May, former Deputy Attorney General James Comey testified that Gonzales and then-White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card had pressured Ashcroft in March 2004 to reauthorize the program as Ashcroft lay gravely ill in a hospital bed.
Comey said the Bush administration ran the program without the Justice Department’s approval for up to three weeks in 2004, nearly triggering a mass resignation of the nation’s top law enforcement officials.
Gonzales said the hospital visit had taken place only after the so-called “Gang of Eight” top congressional and intelligence committee leaders from both parties had told him to proceed with the program despite Comey’s opposition.

(emphasis mine)
See what I mean!! Gangs in Congress!!!! Poor Gonzy! I would have been scared, too, faced with this bunch of hooligans:
Original DVD cover.
The Gang of 8 (clockwise from top left: Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Jane Harman (D-CA), Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), Porter Goss (R-FL), Tom Daschle (D-SD), Tom Delay (R-LeavenworthTX), Bill Frist (R-TN), Pat Roberts (R-KS)
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Filed under Alberto Gonzales, Andrew Card, Bill Frist, Chimpy, Gang of Eight, George W. Bush, Gonzogate, humor, James Comey, Jane Harman, Jay Rockefeller, John Ashcroft, Justice Department, movies, Nancy Pelosi, parody, Pat Roberts, politics, Porter Goss, Senate Judiciary Committee, snark, Tom Daschle, Tom Delay, White House scandals, Wiretaps