Daily Archives: July 30, 2007

Blair’s War (the Musical!)

From The Independent:

Gordon Brown tried to “move on” from the disaster in Iraq as he held his first meeting last night with President George Bush since becoming Prime Minister.

Speaking to journalists during his flight to Washington, Mr Brown remarkably made no mention of Iraq in what was seen as an attempt to distance himself from what has become known in Britain as “Blair’s war”.

Original DVD cover.
To the tune of Mrs. Brown, You’ve Got a Lovely Daughter (written by Trevor Peacock, performed by Herman’s Hermits):
Mister Brown, help end this bloody slaughter,
Things are messy over in Iraq,
It’s so sad, Bush says things are on track,
He’s either lying, or the asshole is on crack.

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Filed under Chimpy, Darfur, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Gordon Brown, Great Britain, Guantanamo, humor, Iran, Iraq War, movies, music parody, parody, politics, snark, Sudan, Tony Blair