Daily Archives: July 8, 2007

If it Looks Like a Duck, Walks Like A Duck, Sounds Like a Duck….

….it’s probably an idiot quacking along with his idiot friends!

From the Alaska Report:

Washington, DC – New Mexico GOP Senator Pete Domenici has joined a chorus of Republicans and Democrats calling for a change of President Bush’s failed policy in Iraq, making him the third veteran Republican to break ranks with President Bush over the issue in the last two weeks.
Republican Sens. Dick Lugar of Indiana and George Voinovich of Ohio have also recently called for a change of policy in Iraq.

Original DVD cover.
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Filed under 2008 election, Chimpy, George Voinovich, George W. Bush, Groucho Marx, GWOT, humor, Iraq War, movies, parody, Pete Domenici, politics, Republicans, Richard Lugar, snark