Daily Archives: July 10, 2007

It’s Official! We Have a Wiener!!

July 9 (Bloomberg) — President George W. Bush ordered two former aides not to answer questions from Congress about the firings of eight U.S. attorneys.
The White House conveyed the directive in letters to lawyers for former Counsel Harriet Miers and Sara Taylor, the ex-White House political director. Taylor is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee in two days. White House Counsel Fred Fielding, Miers’s successor, also wrote to House and Senate lawmakers leading the congressional inquiry.

“The president feels compelled to assert executive privilege with respect to the testimony sought,” said Fielding’s letter to the lawmakers. He said he was informing attorneys for the two former aides “of his direction to Ms. Taylor and Mrs. Miers not to provide this testimony.”

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Filed under Alberto Gonzales, Chimpy, Corruption, Dick Cheney, Fred Fielding, George W. Bush, Gonzogate, Harriet Miers, humor, Justice Department, Karl Rove, movies, parody, Patrick Leahy, politics, Republicans, Sara Taylor, Senate Judiciary Committee, snark, White House scandals