Tag Archives: Nadya Suleman

Hello Dollies!

Since it’s the holiday season, I’m thinking about toys, specifically dolls. We’ve seen a few of them in the last few posts, but I thought I’d find some others we might have forgotten about and brush the dust off them. There are all different kinds of dolls. For example, there are the ones that talk…and talk…and talk…
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…even when they have nothing of value to say.
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Filed under Chimpy, Condoleezza Rice, George W. Bush, humor, Laura Bush, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Helium and Hot Air

From the Los Angeles Times:

Reporting from Fort Collins, Colo., and Los Angeles — The strange case of Falcon Heene took another twist Sunday when a Colorado sheriff said the boy’s parents had staged the runaway balloon saga as a publicity stunt to score a reality television show.

“There is absolutely no doubt in our minds that this was a hoax,” Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderden said at a news conference in Fort Collins. Richard and Mayumi Heene planned the caper for at least two weeks, he said, and are likely to face felony charges.

The sheriff added that some entertainment media might have been complicit, but he refused to identify them. One outlet, he said, had already paid the Heenes in connection with the balloon launch.

Original DVD cover
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Filed under CNN, humor, Media, movies, parody, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Happy Birthday, Barbie!

Hey kids, didja know that the Barbie doll just celebrated her 50th birthday? From ABC News:

Barbie may be turning 50 this year, but middle-aged, she is not. Of course, she’s kept busy during the years, with 108 careers & and counting. She’s been an Olympic athlete, a Marine Corps sergeant, a dentist, an aerobics instructor, an astronaut and a rock star. This week, Barbie will have her first show during New York Fashion Week and her 50th birthday will be officially celebrated March 9, 2009.

I thought we would add to the celebration with our very own array of Barbie dolls. We’ve seen some previously here at the Raisin. Remember Botox Barbie (scroll down to see all of her accessories and for Lying Racist Barbie!)? Why even Senator David Vitter couldn’t escape China Barbie’s charms! How about Caribou Barbie and all of her Barbie brood (scroll down past Cheerleader Elisabeth Hasselbeck Barbie)? Why, we even took a look in the window of the Caribou Barbie Boutique (hate for you kids to work so hard, but scroll down just one more time)!

And speaking of Caribou Barbie, you might be interested to hear that they have repackaged her to see if she will sell better! Take a look…

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Filed under 2008 election, David Vitter, Greta Van Susteren, humor, parody, politics, Republicans, Sarah Palin, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs