Category Archives: Patrick McHenry

Goldman Sucks


Last week, ThinkProgress revealed that Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) hired Peter Haller, a former Goldman Sachs vice president, as one of his top aides. Haller, who adopted his mother’s maiden name in 2008 and had escaped public scrutiny until now, coordinated an Oversight Committee letter to regulators demanding that they justify new Dodd-Frank rules impacting investment banks like his old employer, Goldman Sachs. After publication of our story, the Project on Government Oversight discovered more of Haller’s Oversight Committee letters, again on issues directly related to Goldman Sachs.

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Filed under Darrell Issa, humor, Justice Department, movies, parody, Patrick McHenry, politics, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Its Comical, Part 8: Clean-up Edition

This will be the last installment of the series, so let’s take a look at some of the comics and comic-related pix we haven’t seen before. One of the longest running comics is Dennis the Menace, and we have had a few different Dennises. There was Chimpy, with Deadeye Dick Cheney filling in for Mr. Wilson…
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Filed under Barack Obama, Chimpy, Comic books, comics, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, humor, Joe Wilson, John McCain, Laura Bush, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, movies, parody, Patrick McHenry, politics, Republicans, Scott McClellan, snark, South Carolina, television, Wordpress Political Blogs

She’d be less embarrassing if she flew to Argentina and had an affair!


Three Republican congressman have publicly chastised fellow Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) for declaring that she would not fill our her census form.

“Boycotting the constitutionally mandated Census is illogical, illegal and not in the best interest of our country,” said Reps. Patrick McHenry (N.C.), Lynn Westmoreland (Ga.) and John Mica (Fla.), members of the Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives in a statement Wednesday.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Chimpy, George W. Bush, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, humor, John Mica, Lynn Westmoreland, movies, parody, Patrick McHenry, politics, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Party Poopers

From Rasmussen Reports:

Who’s in charge here?

Sixty-eight percent (68%) of Republican voters say their party has no clear leader, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Another 17% are undecided.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Democrats, humor, John Boehner, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, movies, Nancy Pelosi, parody, Patrick McHenry, politics, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs

Bachmann and Robin

From Politico:

Rep. Michele Bachmann’s call for a media investigation into “anti-American” members of Congress may have been the macaca — or McCarthy — moment of 2008, but it has also given the Minnesota Republican something she’s been angling for since arriving in Congress two years ago: the national spotlight.


“I think that she’s a media hound first and foremost,” said [a Minnesota GOP operative close to Bachmann]. “That has been her biggest goal from Day One: to be in the media spotlight, to be a representative who is the spokesman for the Republican Party — and she’s made that a very concerted effort, to be in the spotlight as much as possible.


It was this willingness that found Bachmann on “Hardball” with Chris Matthews on Friday. As Matthews explained it to Politico, one of his bookers called John McCain’s presidential campaign early in the day for help in filling a hard-to-book Friday afternoon slot.

The campaign, Matthews said, suggested the ever-willing Bachmann.

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Filed under 2008 election, Barack Obama, Chimpy, Chris Matthews, Colin Powell, Congress, Democrats, George W. Bush, Global warming, humor, Jesus, John McCain, Media, movies, Nancy Pelosi, parody, Patrick McHenry, politics, Racism, Republicans, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs

The Little Prince

From the Washington Post:

Like the company he founded, defense contractor Erik Prince doesn’t seem to answer to anybody.

His security business, Blackwater, has been involved in at least 195 shootings in Iraq — but it has operated outside U.S. and Iraqi laws. Similarly, when Prince made a rare public appearance before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee yesterday, he acted as if the lawmakers were wasting his time.

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Filed under Afghanistan, Amway, Betsy DeVos, Blackwater, Chimpy, Chris Shays, Christian Freedom International, Danny Davis, Darrell Issa, Dick DeVos, Duncan Hunter, Edgar Prince, Erik Prince, Family Research Council, FBI, Focus on the Family, George W. Bush, Henry Waxman, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, humor, Iraq War, James Dobson, John Mica, Lynn Westmoreland, parody, Patrick McHenry, Paul Hodes, politics, Republicans, Rick Santorum, television, Tom Coburn, Tom Davis, Tom Delay