Category Archives: Karen Hughes

Texass 2-(Mis)Step

From Alex Pareene at Salon:

Even though they have the exact same style of speaking and propensity to execute innocent people, current Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Texas Gov. George W. Bush are very different politicians. And they don’t like each other, according to the New York Times. Or rather their staffs and “camps” don’t like each other.

Rick Perry was Bush’s lieutenant governor. Whether the two men personally like each other is totally unknown (politicians don’t like other humans anyway; that is why they go into politics), but Perry is “signaling” that he is very different from Bush because Bush was a terrible president who left office hated by everyone and Rick Perry would maybe like to be the next president (or he is at least surrounded by people who think he could be the next president).

ourgangrickperrychimpyOriginal comic book cover
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Filed under 2008 election, Barbara Bush, Chimpy, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, humor, Immigration, Karen Hughes, Karl Rove, Mike Huckabee, NCLB, No Child Left Behind, parody, politics, Republicans, Rudy Giuliani, snark, Texas, Wordpress Political Blogs


Do you watch too much TV, kids? So do I. I love sitcoms, and my new favorite is Modern Family. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should. It’s hilarious, yet somehow quite sweet and touching.

Okay, that was just a phony introduction to a bunch of pics I found in my Photobucket and never published. I think I made them, because Distributorcap and I were going to do a joint posting, but we never quite got it all together. Now that DcAp is on hiatus, I thought xIxwould jump on the opportunity to be a lazy ass xwould post them now.

First up, Chimpy the Menace.

Original image


Original image

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Filed under Barbara Bush, Chimpy, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Harriet Miers, humor, Jeb Bush, Karen Hughes, Karl Rove, Laura Bush, Lynne Cheney, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs

Resetting the Crock….I mean Clock

From The Washington Independent:

John McCain, the 2008 Republican Party nominee for president, was not invited to speak at this past weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference. Neither was former President George W. Bush, and neither was former Vice President Dick Cheney.

“Our big effort this year was not to look back, but to look forward,” said David Keene, the chairman of American Conservative Union, a CPAC sponsor, on Saturday.

The 36th annual meeting of the conservative movement — the largest ever, with more than 8,500 attendees, as organizers delighted in pointing out — was marked by its rejection of the past decade of conservative government.

Original movie poster.
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Filed under 2008 election, Alberto Gonzales, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Chimpy, Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, humor, Immigration, Joe Scarborough, John Ashcroft, Karen Hughes, Mike Huckabee, movies, Newt Gingrich, parody, politics, Republicans, Ronald Reagan, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, snark, Tom Tancredo, Wordpress Political Blogs


From The Caucus at The New York Times:

At least one prominent former Bush official has the following message for President Obama: I don’t care if it’s warm enough to grow orchids in the Oval Office. Put your suit jacket on.

In an interview scheduled to run Wednesday night, Andrew H. Card Jr. told the syndicated news show Inside Edition that “there should be a dress code of respect” in the White House and that he wished Mr. Obama “would wear a suit coat and tie.”

Chimpy always wore a suit coat and tie in the Oval Office. However, there’s something that Andy Card won’t tell you…

Original DVD cover.
…And don’t ask me–I don’t know why Condi is smiling about Chimpy not wearing pants. You know me, I never gossip.
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Filed under Andrew Card, Antonin Scalia, Barack Obama, Chimpy, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Constitution, Dan Bartlett, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, humor, Karen Hughes, Laura Bush, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Senate, snark, Supreme Court, Wordpress Political Blogs

There’s not enough paper in the world….

(CNN) – Enemies of President Bush take heed: Karl Rove is set to name names.

The man widely credited with Bush’s two presidential victories says his new book will include an accounting of those in Washington who never accepted the president as a legitimate commander-in-chief.

Ooooh!!! I’m shaking! And I bet the other 60,000,000 people are shaking, too!

Original DVD cover.

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Filed under Alberto Gonzales, Chimpy, CIA, George W. Bush, humor, Karen Hughes, Karl Rove, movies, parody, Patriot Act, politics, Republicans, Richard Armitage, snark, State Department, Valerie Plame, White House scandals, Wordpress Political Blogs

Hughes Your Mama?

From the Washington Post:

Karen Hughes, the longtime aide to President Bush, announced her resignation as undersecretary of state yesterday, after two bumpy years in which she overhauled the U.S. approach to public diplomacy but did not make major progress in improving America’s image abroad, according to current and former U.S. officials and Middle East experts.

Back to Lone Star State she goes, following in the footsteps of the rest of the Texas Mafia crew.

Original DVD cover.
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Filed under Al-Jazeera, Alberto Gonzales, Blackwater, Cal Ripken, Chimpy, Condoleezza Rice, Dana Perino, George W. Bush, Harriet Miers, humor, Iraq War, Islam, Jr., Karen Hughes, Karl Rove, Michelle Kwan, movies, parody, politics, snark, State Department, Texas

Lonesome Chickenhawk

(….as opposed to Lonesome Dove)
Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Harriet Miers, Andrew Card, Alberto Gonzales, and now Tony Snow. They have all left or are leaving. Poor Chimpy!
Original DVD cover.

To the tune of Hey There, Lonely Girl written originally by Written by Earl Shuman & Leon Carr as Hey There, Lonely Boy, performed by Eddie Holman:

I’m a lonely guy, lonely guy,
I am so unhappy, I feel sick,
Barney won’t play ball, null
Condi’s at the mall, null
And I’m scared as hell of Uncle Dick. null

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Filed under Alberto Gonzales, Andrew Card, Barbara Bush, Chimpy, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Harriet Miers, humor, Jeb Bush, Karen Hughes, Karl Rove, movies, music parody, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, Tony Snow

Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Al Fredo…..

Then again, let the door hit you in the ass!

Original album cover.

To the tune of Bye, Bye Birdie, by Charles Strouse, as performed by Ann-Margret:

Bye, bye, Bertie,
I won’t miss you a bit,
You’re a smarmy,
Worthless piece of shit.

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Filed under Alberto Gonzales, Barney, Chimpy, Dan Bartlett, Geneva Conventions, George W. Bush, Gonzogate, Harriet Miers, humor, Karen Hughes, Karl Rove, movies, music parody, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, Torture, White House scandals