Tag Archives: National Review

Texass 2-(Mis)Step

From Alex Pareene at Salon:

Even though they have the exact same style of speaking and propensity to execute innocent people, current Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Texas Gov. George W. Bush are very different politicians. And they don’t like each other, according to the New York Times. Or rather their staffs and “camps” don’t like each other.

Rick Perry was Bush’s lieutenant governor. Whether the two men personally like each other is totally unknown (politicians don’t like other humans anyway; that is why they go into politics), but Perry is “signaling” that he is very different from Bush because Bush was a terrible president who left office hated by everyone and Rick Perry would maybe like to be the next president (or he is at least surrounded by people who think he could be the next president).

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Filed under 2008 election, Barbara Bush, Chimpy, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, humor, Immigration, Karen Hughes, Karl Rove, Mike Huckabee, NCLB, No Child Left Behind, parody, politics, Republicans, Rudy Giuliani, snark, Texas, Wordpress Political Blogs

James Inhofe Has Crystal Balls!


Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), right-wing conspiracy theorist and oil-industry apologist, has promised that Republicans are “certainties” to win at least the ten seats necessary to regain control of the U.S. Senate on November 2. In an interview while stumping for Colorado U.S. Senate candidate Ken Buck on Thursday, Inhofe told the National Review Online that extremist candidates such as Buck, John Raese (WV), Dino Rossi (WA), Pat Toomey (PA), and Carly Fiorina (CA) are guaranteed to win. Inhofe even said that Tea Party favorite Christine O’Donnell (DE) has a shot:

Little Chrissie may be a witch, but I bet she can’t see the future!

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Filed under Barbara Boxer, California, Chimpy, Connecticut, Florida, George W. Bush, Global warming, humor, James Inhofe, parody, politics, Republicans, Senate, Senate Armed Services Committee, snark, television, Wordpress Political Blogs

Koch Choler

From Joe Conason at Salon:

Is there a vast corporate conspiracy behind the Tea Party and the midterm resurgence of the far right? The most suggestive evidence involves the well-documented role of the billionaire Koch brothers, their Americans for Prosperity front group and other Koch-funded entities – but now a secret letter from Charles Koch shows that the tentacles of the “Kochtopus” include a high-level “network” of corporate, lobbying, nonprofit, and media organizations that meet regularly to plot right-wing strategy.

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Filed under Antonin Scalia, Barack Obama, Chimpy, Clarence Thomas, Environment, Fox News, George W. Bush, Glenn Beck, humor, Media, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, Supreme Court, Wall Street Journal, Wordpress Political Blogs

The Vast Rightwing Idiocy


Right-wing media continue to attack Sherrod, defend Breitbart even after full video is released

Huddy: Sherrod’s “incriminating” “present tense” statements still “raise questions” about whether Sherrod should be federally employed. On the July 22 edition of Fox News’ Fox & Friends, guest co-host Juliet Huddy called the Sherrod incident a “very strange story” and claimed:

    HUDDY: If you go on to listen to the tape, there are things that I think are incriminating for her that I do think raise a lot of questions about whether or not she should be in the position that she held in the first place. She refers to, you know, his people, I think, that was [inaudible] — his own kind. If a white public service — as Bill O’Reilly said yesterday — servant said, you know, we sent him to his kind, meaning we sent — we sent a white farmer to a white lawyer — that’s what she said she did, his kind. If it was flipped around — would be raising hell, trust me.


[In a July 22 tweet, RedState editor-in-chief and CNN contributor Erick] Erickson: “No, I do not think Andrew Breitbart needs to apologize.”

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Filed under Ann Coulter, Barack Obama, Bill O'Reilly, CNN, Fox News, humor, Media, Media Matters, movies, parody, politics, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Delete the Press


The Democratic and Republican nominees for the U.S. Senate, Alexi Giannoulias and Mark Kirk, gave their views on planning and environmental issues at a Metropolitan Planning Council lunch on Monday.

But the news was what happened afterward: Mr. Kirk literally ran out the hotel door rather than answer questions about a host of recent reports that he repeatedly has exaggerated his experience and credentials.

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Filed under Democrats, First Amendment, humor, John Cornyn, Media, Mitt Romney, movies, parody, Pentagon, politics, religion, Republicans, Senate, snark

Re-order in the Court?

From 44 at The Washington Post:

President Obama’s nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens was met with criticism from the left and the right Monday as liberals continued to raise questions about her views on executive power and conservative bloggers honed in on her lack of experience as a judge.

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Filed under Afghanistan, Arlen Specter, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Chimpy, Democrats, Gay rights, George W. Bush, Guantanamo, humor, John Paul Stevens, Jon Kyl, Lindsey Graham, movies, parody, Patrick Leahy, politics, Republicans, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Senate Judiciary Committee, snark, Supreme Court, Wiretaps, Wordpress Political Blogs

Royal Pain in the Ass

From ABC News:

As members of the Republican National Committee try to regroup from the disastrous election cycle and prepare to choose the party’s next chairman, some Republicans are left wondering whether conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh has emerged as a leader – albeit an unofficial one – of the GOP.

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Filed under ABC News, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Chimpy, Democrats, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, humor, Media, movies, MSNBC, Neal Boortz, Newt Gingrich, parody, politics, Racism, radio, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Don’t Ask, Don’t Mattel, Part 2

Well, kids, still having trouble with the computer and Photoshop, so here are more Captain Underpants Barbie Squad pics:

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Filed under 2008 election, Barack Obama, Fox News, humor, John McCain, Media, Michelle Malkin, parody, politics, Racism, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs